Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Oh, the appalling 'istorical ignorance...

I never fail to enjoy bashing the absolute stuffing out of ignorant ahistorical idiots. Please read on...

martinX replied to Sammer
Mon 15 Mar 10 (01:53pm)

Sammer said: Would you argue The Holocaust was done in the name of religion?
While not done in the name of religion, religious hatred certainly laid the groundwork for it.

Rabz replied to Sammer
Mon 15 Mar 10 (02:21pm)

For the last time, the nayzees persecuted the Jews on the basis of race, not religion.
muslims, who BTW, are NOT a race, persecute Jews on the same basis.

Abu Chowdah replied to Sammer
Mon 15 Mar 10 (04:25pm)

Sammer, indeed the Nazis did seek to exterminate others. But the reason for exterminating the Jews was because they were Jews. It was a hatred linked into centuries of religious hatred and anyone who thinks the holocaust (meaning the Jewish genocide)was not linked to religious intolerance is an idiot or a liar or BOTH.

Rabz replied to Sammer
Tue 16 Mar 10 (01:48pm)

Mr chowdah - refer to my comment above about why the nayzees persecuted the Jews.
nayzee idiotology - central to which was the ‘Jewish problem’, was entirely RACIALLY based. Religion did not enter into the equation.
‘itler viewed the woild through an obscene raced based prism - the germans, northern europeans, etc, were the master race (aryans) locked in a mortal struggle against the ‘untermensch’ or Jewish ‘subhumans’. All the nayzee persecution of the Jews was framed and based in the terms and language of race - look up the nuremburg laws for example (aka, ‘racial purity’ laws).
I would posit that you are the lying idiot. Go and read up on some history and hopefully you’ll avoid making such a fool of yourself in future.
Not Good Enough.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

The ehrlich!

A couple of those vintage Paul Ehrlich quotes Gutfeld was referring to:

“The battle to feed humanity is over. In the 1970s, the world will undergo famines. Hundreds of millions of people are going to starve to death in spite of any crash programs embarked upon now. Population control is the only answer.”

Paul Ehrlich, Stanford University biologist, ‘The Population Bomb’ (1968)

“Most of the people who are going to die in the greatest cataclysm in the history of man have already been born. ... By [1975] some experts feel that food shortages will have escalated the present level of world hunger and starvation into famines of unbelievable proportions. Other experts, more optimistic, think the ultimate food-population collision will not occur until the decade of the 1980s.”

Paul Ehrlich, essay, ‘Eco-Catastrophe!’ in Ramparts Magazine, Earth Day Special issue, 1970

RNB of Nearly to Alabama (Reply)
Fri 12 Mar 10 (02:18pm)

Rabz replied to RNB
Fri 12 Mar 10 (10:15pm)


Thanks for the truly timeless quotes…

Just celebrate the spectacular wrongness, people, before we all end up having to deal with a super horrendously apocalyptic 1000 million kilometre rising of sea levels that indiscriminately kills blacks, gays, feminayzees, asylum seekers, sri lankans, indians, haitians, venezualans, labore pollies, white seth efricans, parking officers, green pollies, single mothers, aardvarks, right wing journalists and most tragically of all, a rare species of ant…

and then hopefully, finally, those remaining will be able to wean themselves off carbon.*

*Oh and by the way, we are not exaggerating, sheeple!

Friday, March 12, 2010

Let's turf these cretins, please, people!

Please explain why the worst government in living memory, and I include the full retinue of half-witted state and local governments in this list, continue to poll in double figures?

Merely turfing these cretins out of office doesn’t go near enough-charges of malfeasance and civil action to make them personally liable for their incredible stupidity may go close to delivering justice.

It’s fortunate for them that Australians are fairly lazy and laconic- in many parts of the world there’d be heads on sticks by now.

Habib of Wilston (Reply)
Fri 12 Mar 10 (12:42pm)

Rabz replied to Habib
Fri 12 Mar 10 (09:42pm)

Mr Habib,
You didn’t mention by name gough shitlam and his bunch of sozzled, safari suited sleazebags.

Why not?

Is kevni ruff now ‘o’fficially the woist P.M. ever?!?!?

You say what you have to say - even if it's the bleeping obvious...

Why did the ABC give the false impression that Xie was attacking all sceptics, when he plainly did not?

Because they’re a bunch of lazy, lying leftards?!?!
Rabz of Programmatic Specificity Chunderland (Reply)
Fri 12 Mar 10 (08:27am)

Baden replied to Rabz
Fri 12 Mar 10 (09:24am)
Because it didn’t fit the agenda dictated by the Canberra spin doctors?

doug z replied to Rabz
Fri 12 Mar 10 (11:55am)
there’s nothing lazy about this. It was obviously deliberate and malicious.

Rabz replied to Rabz
Fri 12 Mar 10 (08:57pm)
With respect, Doug,

Must disagree - they’re parroting the party line, as usual.

Don’t bother to report (what was actually uttered) - just make the worst of it.

As I said, lazy…

P.S. hence the P.S. (in the address)

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

He was an artist all right - a con artist...

This is just too funny - braindead canuckistan yaartz bureaucrats get taken to the cleaners.

Read the comments - here's an example for no context whatsoever:

My philistine instincts kick in here. Has anything 300 metres long ever been airborne in the history of mankind?

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Clueless as always...

Oh, joy - for bleep's sake leftists are idiots:

somone in the 30’s used similar tactics didn’t they
and became very popular playing to the locals, it’s all they’re fault, there different.

mick maggs (Reply)
Sat 06 Mar 10 (09:48am)
Link replied to mick maggs
Sat 06 Mar 10 (10:27am)
In this case they are different & I believe Geert is asking questions that should of been asked 20 years ago.
If this questions are asked & problems are nipped in the bud then the chance of your 1930’s example happening again are much reduced.
If things are left the way they are with uncontrolled immigration then 20 years from now the natives might not be willing to sit down & discuss.

Rabz replied to mick maggs
Sat 06 Mar 10 (11:10am)
Your ignorance and smugness is astonishing.

Europe’s swapped 20 million jews for 60 million muslims and there’s never been so much obvious, overt anti-semitism there since the nayzees.

Which group of ‘people’ hate jews as much as the nayzees, idiot?