Sunday, December 20, 2009

Proodly post Carbetbaggen - at bleeping last

Has no one noted the fundamental shift reflected in changing the target from CO2 ppm to degrees?

Why, it’s as if the Copenhagen delegates understood that the world’s climate was entering a cooling phase, and decided to shift the target to temperature in the secure knowledge that the naturally-cooling planet would do the work for them to let them claim a phenomenal victory in a few years’ time.

stuiec of Moraga, CA, USA (Reply)
Sun 20 Dec 09 (07:14am)

Spiny Norman replied to stuiec
Sun 20 Dec 09 (01:25pm)

Good call. I suspect that is precisely what these charlatans and mountebanks are up to.

Kaboom replied to stuiec
Sun 20 Dec 09 (01:34pm)

StuieC, that is exactly spot on!

Aiming for a “target” temperature is even sillier than anything else put forward over the last 30 years, but those pesky PPMs will keep climbing. Especially from the BRIC nations.

If we are going into a low Solar Cycle 24 which may have the same effects as the 1760’s/70’s in the “Little Ice Age”, these arseh**les are going to start claiming victory.

The battle lines are drawn - we must discredit any sort of “temperature” aim as totally unscientific.

I mean, 2 degrees Celcius from what?

None of these idiots has defined the “what”. What is the base-line? Is it maximum, minimum, daily average, or what?

What temperature should the Earth’s thermostat be set at? Who sets the thermostat?

TATA is not the answer......

stuiec replied to stuiec
Sun 20 Dec 09 (02:35pm)

First there was Six Degrees of Separation.

Then came Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon.

And now we have Two Degrees of Copenhagen.

Rabz replied to stuiec
Sun 20 Dec 09 (04:23pm)

Indeed, people.

Has the oith ever had an ideal temperature?

Will it ever have an ideal temperature?

These idiots can’t govern our societies in any kind of acceptable manner, but they’re going to be able to control the woild’s temperature.

Yeah, right.

Start running, you lazy lying commie moron carpetbaggers.

We are coming to get you…

Friday, December 18, 2009


FFS, ruff is a loathsome li'l toxic pansy...

“I’am 6 years old and think global warming is a crock of shit. Please quote me in your next speech.”

Party Boy of Viewbank (Reply)
Fri 18 Dec 09 (10:34am)

Go party, Squoire - you've oined it!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

The Chesler!

I'll defer to Phyliss, here.

Like Thomas Sowell, one the woild's greatest joinalists.

And confounding expectations.


a man with the intellect of a cactus...

I've always enjoyed the work of MarkL of Canberra over at the Blair's. Here he atomises that increasingly unhinged hysterical greenie fascist idiot cloive 'suspend democracy' 'amilton.


Hi there

I actively dislike greetings from envirodoomscreamers: they are intellectual midgets, mentally from planet Zongo.

There’s something you need to know about your father.

Could you be any more patronising if you tried?
I know infinitely more about my father than you do.

Your dad’s job is to try to stop the government making laws to reduce Australia’s carbon pollution.

Actually, he’s retired mining engineer who spent his life building large open cut coal, uranium and copper mines, mostly in the Third World.
And carbon is not a pollutant. It’s an element. Check the Periodic Table, you brobdignagian genius of the greens!
Even CO2 is not a pollutant, but an essential trace gas, critical to plant growth.
Why do you hate plants so much, Clive?

He is paid a lot of money to do that by big companies who do not want to own up to the fact that their pollution is changing the world’s climate in very harmful ways.

Actually, he’s not, and it’s not. But don’t let reality get in the way of your puerile fantasies.

Because of their pollution, lots of people, mostly poor people, are likely to die.

In reality, no. You see, the economic activity of just one of the uranium mines he helped build (Rossing, in Namibia) has lifted about 45,000 Namibians out of poverty, by providing 1,500 local jobs directly and about 2,500 local jobs indirectly.

They will die from floods, from diseases like dengue fever, and from starvation when their crops won’t grow anymore.

No proof, of course, just the usual risible, wild-eyed and baseless claims. Because they won’t, my dear child. Economic growth will improve their lives, get them out of subsistence agriculture and extreme poverty, and lead them to better, longer, richer, more productive lives.
You know, like it did for OUR great grandparents in the 1800s.
However, if people do what YOU want, they will indeed lead lives nasty, brutish and short. That you apparently do not care about that opens you to accusations of being a racist, happy for ‘little brown people’ to die as props in your pathetic moral posturing. I place on record that I honestly do not believe you are a racist at all – I know that you are simply a foolish, pampered, grossly ignorant ideologue and moral poseur, and a man with the intellect of a cactus.

The big companies are putting their profits before the lives of people. And your dad is helping them.

Oh, my dear child, you have already made it plain that you have absolutely no idea of how business works to create wealth, and to distribute it. The dark satanic mills are long gone, (albeit not in countries that follow a socialist doctrine) except in the dank recesses of what I laughingly call your mind.

Your life is going to be worse too because of what your dad is doing when he goes to work each morning.

Really? How come it isn’t, then?

By the time you are as old as your parents, Australia will be having a lot more heat waves, like the one in Melbourne earlier this year, and there will be more bush fires too.

Oh, Clive, that’s weather. It’s just as specious as your pathetic claims post-Katrina of the rapid rise in category 5 hurricanes. And since then the Atlantic hurricane seasons have been the quietest in centuries.

Droughts will be worse, and you won’t be able to have fun exploring the Great Barrier Reef because it won’t be there anymore.

Oh, really? Aside from your emotive rantings, do you have any verifiable proof? How did the reef survive the 120metre sea level rise of the last 12,000 years then? How come it survived that, but will apparently die from the 0.5 metre rise you yowl and bay about (but which is not actually happening in reality, according to the Naval Hydrographer). The seas are still rising a few centimetres a century from the end of the last ice age, and that had zero impact on the Reef last century, yes? Because some corals can grow up to 50cm a year, yes?
Or didn’t you know this, being such an ill-educated poltroon?

Deep down your dad knows all this, although he probably pretends he doesn’t. If you’ve asked him about it he probably said that the scientists are not sure what’s going to happen, or that Australia’s carbon pollution is not very big, or that business is business.

Actually, what he and I both know is the scientific method, as we are both scientifically literate. By the way, you are very publicly and very embarrassingly not scientifically literate.
We also read both sides of the discourse (which you do not) and choose to make up our own minds based on available evidence.
That evidence indicates that the AGW hypothesis is false, its proponents charlatans, corruptionists, and spivs, and that the Solar Inertial Motion theory explains the observed phenomena. (You will be utterly ignorant of SIM)
You see, Clive my dear infant, not one of the ‘computer models’ you drone on about is of the slightest value. Your AGW hypothesis cannot be confirmed by replicable experiment. Therefore, it is false.

He has to tell himself these things because otherwise he would feel too guilty and could not sleep very well at night.

In reality, he sleeps quite well at night, secure in the knowledge that his working life bettered the lives of tens of thousands in the Third World. The same ones you want to starve, so you can feel nice about yourself.

So your dad is not really a bad person.

I already know that. YOU are the bad person who wants to impose your ideology on others, and make them suffer.

He is not deliberately making the world a worse place for you and all the other kids. But he is telling lies to himself so he does not have to face up to the truth about what he does at work.

Well, actually, the ‘lies’ are yours – you see, I know your dirty little secret. This is your sick little religious cult, and you want to force it on others.

The thing is, though, that what your dad is doing is wrecking the future for my children too, and that makes me feel upset.

That’s only because you are an excessively infantilised, ill-educated, greengaia religious cultist, my dear child. Any well-read, scientifically literate, rational adult understands that CO2 is a beneficial trace gas, that minor temperature variations are a normal and natural part of the planet’s history, and that everything we have observed over the past 5,000 years is well within the natural range of variation.
Basically, you are a bedwetter of the apocalypse. This is amusing.

Many Australians feel the same way; they think that what your father does is just plain wrong, and that he should stop.

Many Australians are indeed ill-educated dullards (like you, little lad). Like you, they have amusement value for the adults, but basically we pretty much ignore them, too.

I am sure it’s hard for you to hear these words,

Oh, no, not at all, Clive old cod. While I hold religious cultists like you in scathing contempt, you bring me amusement and belly laughs.
That is your only value.

but there is something you can do to help. Why not sit your dad down and have a good talk to him. Tell him you want him to stop helping the big companies that are spoiling the future for you and all the other kids at school. Tell him that the family would rather have less money if he had a different job, one you could be proud of.

But Clive, my father is not a trendy-lefty rent-a-mob latte sipping drooltard. He is an educated, practical man who understands engineering, geology and science, and understands that you are doing this for money and for power. Your motives, dressed so prettily in maudlin emotion and religious cultic references, are base and venal.
How’d your grab for a lower house seat with all its income and power go, by the way?
Tell him that you know he will feel much happier inside if he is doing something to make Australia and the world a better place, instead of going to work every day to make it a worse one.

Clive, you pitiable little fellow, YOU attempt to make the world a worse place for others. My father actually made it a better place for many thousands of people.
See the difference?

I thought not.

Your dad has lost his way, and you might be the only person in the world who can help him find it again. So talk to him.

I love the infantile projection of fools! Yes, Clive, we are on to you ‘greens’, the green eco-religion, the green scams, and the tawdry venality of the green lust for money and power.

The stench of desperation permeates this pitiful squeal of yours. Yes, Clive, the gravy train is now a train-wreck: why, you might have to get a real job now!

Yours sincerely

You do not know what sincerity means.

And here’s my standard challenge to scientifically illiterate doomscreamers and bedwetters of the apocalypse like you, little man:

During the Ordovician-Silurian (450-420mya) and Jurassic-Cretaceous (151-132mya), global glaciations occurred when atmospheric CO2 levels were over 4000ppmv and 2000ppmv respectively. (Ref: Berner, RA and Kothavala, Z., 2001, GeocarbIII: A Revised Model of Atmospheric CO2 over Phanerozoic Time, American Journal of Science 301, 182-204.)

Today it is below 400ppmv.

How and why did this occur, when the computer models you believe in assure us that over circa 450ppmv we will have runaway greenhouse, something which is completely unrepresented in the global geological record of the last 3800 million years? (which, BTW, is prior to the development of an O2-rich atmosphere)

MarkL of Canberra (Reply)
Wed 09 Dec 09 (05:27pm)

Friday, December 11, 2009

Let's all go and live in the police state formerly known as the soviet unionionion...

Sounding more and more like the old eastern block every day

- power outages - check

- coffee rationing, forced to drink instant - check

- meat rationing - check

duncan (Reply)
Fri 11 Dec 09 (09:18am)

Rabz replied to duncan
Fri 11 Dec 09 (01:22pm)


No cars – check

No flights – check

No fun – check

Braindead envirofascist busybodies telling you how to live your life – check

Yep, bring it on…

Some Chrissy thoughts...


Safely back in the office after attending my previous workplace’s Chrissy party last night.

Drank lots of beer, got into at least four separate arguments over global norming and ended up committing the ultimate social faux pas of telling a lesbian woman (not a goil) I thought she was cute (Beer goggles - never!)

Ended up getting a taxi home via Glebe (to drop off a hippy harpie) driven by an agreeable Bangladeshi chap who was of the opinion that his former homeland indeed wasn’t doomed and he was in favour of adaptation, not idiotic mitigation…

About the most sensible person I encountered all night.

Rabz of a woild gone stark ravin' bonkers... (Reply)
Fri 11 Dec 09 (01:36pm)

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Pot Heads


Goimany, Soibia and Gharna...

Six points (at least, don't want to be greedy!)and progression to the knockout roonds, methinks, people!

Great news. Bit annoyed we couldn't have drawn the Kiwis and the poms in our group - now that would've been epic.

And behold, the group 'o' death!

Ivory Coast
the dirt eaters (kim il jongans) making up the numbers

Some photos and images:

Friday, December 4, 2009

Some thoughts about ‘class issues’…

By The Way, sterilise the bastards...

As I've stated before on this blog, if you leave school and you're illiterate, addicted to drugs and/or alcohol and unlikely to do a day's productive work in your life (and assaulting and/or robbing people for a ‘living’ doesn't count) then you should be forcibly prevented from breeding.

The evidence is overwhelming - stupid people have the least reason but unfortunately the most time to breed and on that basis alone should be sterilised.

Abstinence simply doesn’t enter into the equation.

The reduced usage of law enforcement, criminal justice, health and education resources alone overwhelmingly justifies such a course of action. Not to mention the massive reduction in incidents of degradation and abuse of kiddies…

So that's it then, thank you, ‘social woikers’ – please go jump.

You do more damage to people when you’re alive.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

How's that gerbil wormenising going, commies?

Brilliant, love the term 'CRUdGate' as well.

Here's an excerpt:

Lastly and as a slight aside, why so little from the MSM? That one is easy. You need to have a decent analytical brain just to deal with the chain of events. You need to have a decent analytical brain, a mathematical/scientific mind and a good grasp of some very hard statistics to understand what is being done to massage the numbers and to see how significant it is to the chain of events.

Slice your average environment correspondent through the middle and you're going to find a left-leaning liberal arts graduate who is utterly out of his/her depth. Their world view is being swept from underneath them and they are being shown—in ways that they do not really and have never had to understand—that the guys they thought were the goodies are in fact "at it" and that those they have spent a decade disparaging as deniers were in fact spot on.

I would find that hard to report too.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Why I hate frog canuckistanians with an undying passion

20 years after this atrocity - and idiots ponce around wearing white ribbons, FFS!

The vast majority of frog canuckistanians are amongst the most evil, bigoted braindead commie pansies on the planet.

They deserve to have their so called country and society collapse around their filthy smelly ears.

Utterly appalling and disgusting.

And to think I wasted four days of my life there (frog canuckistan) in 1993.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

One is a person, not a cetacean!

Yeah report it,

You stupid evil commies!

Groupthink spouting enviroweenies!

Sorry, Kae, the message needs to be continually SHOUTED OUT for those victims of the marxist education system.

Keep ‘em dumb ‘n’ keep ‘em illiterate and you can make ‘em believe anything…
Not good enough.

We have a civic duty to re-educate morons. We can do it, one soft euroweenie pansy at a time.



Rabz of Big Soot Central (Reply)

Sat 28 Nov 09 (08:11pm)

Abu Chowdah replied to Rabz
Sat 28 Nov 09 (09:31pm)

Moby ahoy!

Rabz replied to Rabz

Sun 29 Nov 09 (02:40pm)

I am a man, not a whale!

bingbing replied to Rabz

Sun 29 Nov 09 (04:07pm)

Not a whale? Got a peer-reviewed link to prove it?

Thought not!

Saturday, November 28, 2009

It's not rocket science you moron!

Turnbull sounds bewildered: “The people that are opposing me within the party do not believe in climate change at all.”

Oh really Mal? Who would've thought...

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

You spineless Idiots!

An email to those scumbags at the gliberal party:

Due to the utterly craven collaboration with the worst government in the history of this country to impose an extortionate tax, further intrusion and regulation into business and personal lives, further erosion of personal liberty and capitulation to venal interest groups, I, my entire family and everyone I know cannot and will not support your party, and if no option is offered will vote informal.

The Liberal Party will have the worst federal election result in its entire history, which it will richly deserve for its cowardice and moral turpitude; the economic and social disaster that will descend on the Australian people will be less deserved, as they will be left with little option.

We now have a one party state in all but name. I would’ve joined, contributed and campaigned for the party if you had the fortitude to fight this idiocy based on fraud, but obviously the retention of the leader’s marginal seat is of more import than the national interest.

The Liberal Party is finished, and under these circumstances all I can say is good riddance.

Courtesy of the mighty Habib of Wilston

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Welease Woger!

“Like many Australians, I’m afraid”.

Err, per’aps:

“Like many Australians, I’m afraid I’ll be exposed as an unthinking, braindead moronic idiot given to believing in quite patently preposterous hoaxes about how yuman economic activitah is destroying the planet!”
And we wouldn’t want that, would we sheeple?

P.S. Don’t forget aboot those cybernetic entitahs called Gaia, peons!

Rabz of a woild gone stark ravin' bonkers (Reply)
Sat 21 Nov 09 (03:58pm)

It is about time somebody of Clive Hamilton’s calibre rode into to town to deal with the denialist hombre backwoods militia that have been holding the planet to ransom. Polish your gun-racks and pat your pig dogs while you can you rednecks. The day of reckoning approaches.

Roger of Scoresby (Reply)
Sat 21 Nov 09 (06:21pm)

Winston Smith replied to Roger
Sat 21 Nov 09 (08:43pm)
See the message below, Woger…

“In a rare bout of descriptive accuracy, Rudd plans to rename Australia “the Democratic Republic of Dumbturdistan"."

...and you, slaphead, are this overgrown village’s idiot.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

So how do we shut these evil child abusing morons up?!?!

OK, that’s it.

Reason, evidence and logic is not producing the desired result, i.e. that these evil, hysterical lying morons cease and desist.

It pains me to say this - but what other options do we have?

If we continue to sit back and do nothing, as we have been (apart from a lot of eloquent griping), these evil, braindead marxist morons will:

A. Impose an ETS
B. Sign away our sovereignty to the UN

I am no longer willing to countenance either of the above occurring.

Sorry, but as far as I’m concerned these evil bastards need to be forcibly shut down.

Enough is enough.

Rabz of a woild gone stark ravin' bonkers

Thursday, November 12, 2009

An Email to the Slime Monster

rudd, you evil, egomaniacal, prissy little commie pansy, if you and your slavering bunch of society destroying economic troglodytes impose the ETS and sign the Copenhagen treaty, effectively giving the order to bankrupt this country, you are history…

I will never forget, much less forgive…

Catastrophic human induced climate change is the most preposterous hoax of both the twentieth and twenty first centuries.

I am utterly livid that the electorate has been so braindead as to elect the first so called ‘government’ that is unrepentantly committed to destroying our economy and making everybody in this country worse off.

Oh and the role of the evil, braindead commie media (with of course, a few notable exceptions) in this utter scandal won’t be forgotten or forgiven either…

And as for the so called scientists (grants gobblers) and other assorted carpetbaggers (e.g. al bore) that are perpetrating these lies, don’t get me started…

Go jump, you evil, mediocre, braindead totalitarian weasel. I hope you die a long, slow painful death and soon.

Yours sincerely,

Rabbi Pavel Mustovich

Sunday, October 4, 2009

the Inglis!

Storm 23
Eels 16

Comeback stymied?

76 Minutes gone - not a penalty...

Storm 22
Eels 16

NRL Grand Final

It's underway - Mosquebourne are in!

Hoffmanini scores!!

Mosquebourne taking the conversion...

Smith takes the kick - 2 Points!

6 - 0

Live Blogueing the NRL Grand Final

The pre-game entertainment is as Billy Idol as ever.

Wolf mother f*cker were spectacularly bad.

Loved the 1000 li'l slutes in denim and black singlets.

The helicopter stunt actually didn't go as planned.

That's never happened before...

Vincent's renditions of the national anthem is extremely overwrought...

Rabz signing off at 5:21...

Friday, September 25, 2009

Worth her weight in salt? I don't think so!

The silly bint's not worth her weight in sh*t...

An infidel tigger sums up the resulting shambles:

Tickets will cost a trillion dollars.

Tab to be picked up by the taxpayer.

All actors will read off teleprompters.

Failure to enjoy show will be racist.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

The Shaidle sounds off about September 11

Read. The. Whole. Thing.

Here's an exerpt:

"...Nice of Obama to show up in New York earlier this week for the memorial service for... Walter Cronkite, a man whose televised lies slandered American servicemen and helped sign the death warrants of millions of abanonded anti-communist Vietnamese, who died so that a bunch of spoiled, dirty hippies could live and spread their contagion throughout society for the next fifty years."

The woman is a legend.

Why I hate leftist scum

As mentioned in my profile, I used to consider myself of ‘the left’.

Eight years ago, one of my favourite cities on the planet was despoiled by a grubby little collective of loathsome, violent, misogynist, racist, gay hating, goat fucking, death cult morons.

The perpetrators of the September 11 2001 attacks were muslims. When hearing about those September 11 2001 acts of monstrous cowardice, my first thoughts included:

It’s pretty obvious who the perpetrators were (I was in NYC in 1993)

How long until something similar happens here?

There goes a whole bunch of my basic civil rights and liberties

All a bit too prescient, even before turning on the TV and watching the twin towers burning and then collapsing. What I wasn’t prepared for was the victim blaming by evil braindead leftist scum.

The left proclaims to believe in and aggressively uphold nearly every single ideal that stupid muslim shitheads consider anathema (see the second sentence above).

Why then, were evil leftist hypocrites falling over themselves to blame the US for the attacks and defend the actions of those disgusting, limp dicked, arseholes?

At that point in my life I’d an important awakening – ‘progressive ideals’ were a load of shit and it was time to stop thinking they mattered.

What’s been even more infuriating is watching the west self destruct in the face of constant provocations from these stupid, ignorant, violent, loathsome, goat fucking dickheads.

If you’re looking for ‘root causes’ go back and read some history – islam has been at war with the west dating from the time mohammed first had a wet dream about nine year olds.

My father, may he rest in peace, was correct – he held the view that “mohammadens, son, they want to destroy the west”. Truer words have never been spoken.

This fight is far from over. More on this topic in time.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Bollocks Osama to 'change' the interwebs!

Is there nothing this loathsome lying commie fraud can't do?

Senate Bill Would Give President Emergency Control of Internet

Be very afraid - first braindead conroy, now ol uncle tom osama!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Evil, smelly enviropsycho scum

To the peanut brained goat fucking moron leaving stupid, offensive, threatening comments on this blog:





Sanctimonious lying bigots getting a free pass...

Well, count me as a detractor!

There are several reasons for my reluctance (and inability) to put up with the provocations of these self important types (especially talaleban and of late that raj), who assume they have a right to act as smug, self appointed spokesdissemblers for their so called ‘faith’.

There is no reason for non muslims to place any credence whatsoever in any soothing assurances from these types that, islam is a religion of peace, no threat to our way of life, etc.

Whether these types are willing to admit it or not, I and a quite a few others who comment on this blog know a hell of a lot more about their so called ‘faith’ than we ever wanted to. This pursuit of knowledge is based on the simple motto of “know thy enemy”.

islam has been an implacable scourge of civilization for the duration of its existence. There is ample, indisputable evidence of this fact. There is certainly no doubt that some other faiths have also constituted major impediments to the advancement of humanity, which is why I am not so much an atheist, as an anti religionist.

But their so called ‘faith’ is the worst of the worst. As already noted, I make this observation without prejudice and on the basis of indisputable evidence. I will not interact with adherents of this ‘faith’ in any way, including refusing to be conveyed by them in taxis, refusing to have them in my workplace, etc.

There is one word to explain my views and behavior – “trust”.

I will never trust any adherent of this so called ‘faith’ as there is simply no way of knowing if these ‘adherents’ are hate filled, murderous, closet fundamentalists.

As a result I’m also disinclined to put up with these glib, smug, hit and run, obnoxious, childish attempts to dispute the indisputable and defend the indefensible.

That is why I regard these types as beyond contempt and being adherents of that so called ‘faith’, as intrinsic, irredeemable bigots. Following Andrew’s call on this I will not debate them anymore, or respond to their provocations.

I also appreciate that I’ve been less than civil before to people on this blog who have attempted to rewrite history, peddle historical falsehoods or displayed inexcusable historical ignorance. And I have a temper. And for all of which I remain utterly unrepentant.

Sorry, Macca, I sympathise. Nonna, you should also reconsider, but it appears you already have. Andrew, I’d appreciate the Mods allowing me this opportunity to explain my views – apologies for the length.

Friday, August 21, 2009

age of stupid - not my woids, theirs'...

Hey Rabz!

A friend of mine has made a film about climate change.

The Premiere is tonite.

Another friend bought tickets but can’t go. Tickets are $30 for two.

I’ll be there, along with some other ‘famous’ people.

Thanks Gordon, but no thanks.

Some observations:

Age of stupid is an extremely appropriate title for a film about the greatest hoax of both the twentieth and twenty first centuries
When the history of this age is studied in the future, the fact that there was so much inexplicable hysteria, state sanctioned fraudulence and misallocation of resources over a mean temperature variation of a third of a degree will stagger those looking at it
This film will last about a week in the cinemas
This film will come to be regarded as even more ridiculous than al bore’s ‘an incontinent truth’

“Why didn’t humanity do more about ‘climate change’ while it had the chance?” How exactly do you do ‘something’ about an utterly imaginary phenomenon - i.e. catastrophic human induced climate change?

By denying food to people in thoid woild countries through misallocation of productive arable land to production of biofuels (for use by western hypocrites)?
By denying people in thoid woild countries the right to economic development?
By fraudulently demonising carbon dioxide as a ‘pollutant’?
By hobbling your country’s ability to produce and utilise cheap and abundant sources of energy and driving up the cost of that energy, all to make an utterly insignificant cut in so called carbon emissions?
By creating an entirely useless and fraudulent new economic trading instrument (carbon trading) for peddling by cocaine addled masters of the universe, further perpetuating un utterly unjustifiable misallocation of resources?
By scarring the country side with ugly, useless inefficient wind farms?
By peddling lies about the following?
Melting ice caps
Endangered species that aren’t
Rising sea levels
Increased temperatures

I’m sick to death of hearing about this preposterous, hysterical, fraudulent, sanctimonious, utterly insane fact and evidence free load of bollocks.

· The oith is a natural system.
· The oith’s climate has always changed
· Carbon dioxide does not drive temperature increases, nor does it have any effect on ‘climate’
· The ice caps are not melting
· Poley bears are not in danger of extinction
· Sea levels are not rising
· The barrier reef is not being bleached, poisoned, etc
· There has been no increase in extreme weather events over the last thoity years

And finally there has never been, nor will there ever be, an ideal global temperature.

And spare me this crazy undignified panic, PLEASE!

Yours in self righteous fury,

Rabbi Pavel Mustovich

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Hey talaleban – leave Rabz’ posts alone!

Heh - he obviously forgot to take his copy of “dhimmitude for dummies” along…

Rabz of a woild gone mad... (Reply)Fri 14 Aug 09 (01:42pm)

Talal replied to Rabz Fri 14 Aug 09 (03:04pm)
“dhimmitude for dummies”

rule 1. the families have the right to request their own rules and customs be adhered to in their own wedding.

islam has no rules pertaining to segregation of sexes during weddings.

TonyP replied to Rabz Fri 14 Aug 09 (05:11pm)

And guests, or anyone else for that matter, have the right to walk out whenever they please. Islam may have no such rules but are you saying that the hosts were not making a religious decision when they opted for segregation? Why do you think they wanted to keep the men and women apart?

CountryBumpkin replied to Rabz Fri 14 Aug 09 (07:13pm)

Oi! Tal la la la

“It is a popular venue for community weddings but rules state all ceremonies must be held in accordance of Sahriah law, the Islamic code. It states:

Wedding hire at the LMC is only available for Islamic weddings.

Hirers should ensure they require a wedding that complies with Islamic Shariah in which there is no free mixing between sexes and where proper Islamic dress code and etiquettes are observed.”

“islam has no rules pertaining to segregation of sexes during weddings”

Right! must have been the christian/jewish version of SHARIA law they were observing........????

Your trousers must fit you like a glove, nobody can get that stupid playing with one!!!!

Rabz replied to Rabz Fri 14 Aug 09 (08:49pm)

Err, talaleban,

Why insist on segregation, as a ‘custom’ at a particular venue, especially in a western country, where enforced segregation of the sexes at public occasions is frowned upon?

Is it because wahhabi influence is predominating in the West, courtesy of all those petrodollars?

I would prefer to see the ultimately irrelevant influence of so called ‘sufi’ islam in the West, rather than the confrontational, violent, racist, misogynist, backward, intolerant viral strain of waahabi islam.

Which, by the way is the original strain of islam (and please don’t try and tell us otherwise).

Remember talaleban, you ad’ere to the same backward belief system as these bigots.

And BTW, I’m not into responding to your disingenuous, dissembling twaddle.

Please leave my posts alone.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

On why politicians are the scum of the oith...

No politician ever asked the people if they wanted to live in a multicuntural societah...

It was just foisted on us...

Why is it I am starting to feel like a foreigner in my own country? I am a 35 year old male Anglo Saxon that works 6 days a week in my own business. I have a reasonably happy marriage and 1 child. I vote Liberal and would consider myself Right Wing in my beliefs. In the last 2 years since Krudd has managed to get into power, I feel like I live in a foreign country. Left wing feral radicals that we used to laugh at getting water cannoned on the news because they were protesting aboot whatever the cause of the day was are now infiltrating all levels of Government.
Politicians, Judges, Lawyers, Police, Teachers and Journalist are more concerned about being Politically Correct than they are about Common Sense.

We are more concerned about WHY radical lunatics terrorist want to blow us up, and then we try and make up ways of blaming ourselves for their actions. Instead of blaming the terrorists, then locking them away for life.

We have a State Labore Government that is so obviously corrupt and totally ineffective that in 11 years have never had even 1 project run on time and on budget, they have done nothing about basic service like Transport, Water, yet waste more of our money than any Government in history and it is tolerated, and Victorians continue to vote for them. Maybe that’s because the opposition (State Libs) is pathetic at the very least and seem quite content to stay in opposition and simply refuses to hold the Government accountable for their total failures in all areas of Government.

We have a Federal Government that continues to import refugees from countries that will never assimilate into Australian societah, and already think Australia owes them something. Most of them come from a war torn country where kids are brought up with an AK47 in their hands. They see violent death, massacres and rapes daily, and have no concept of value of a life in the same sense as we do in Australia. In their country is they commit a crime they are killed, in Australia they are taught to be a victim and because of their horrible upbringing they are not responsible for their crimes, and even if they are jailed, they get a warm bed and 3 meals a day.
All common sense and people (other than Andrew Bolt) seem to be just accepting the changes in our society as normal. Maybe that why I must be a foreigner in my own country as nothing is making any sense anymore.

Troy of Melb (Reply)
Thu 06 Aug 09 (10:10am)

mack replied to Troy Thu 06 Aug 09 (11:42am)

Sorry Troy, your description clearly places you in a minority group without much political influence. Welcome to the club, mate

Griffin replied to Troy Thu 06 Aug 09 (12:13pm)

Hi Troy, you reflect my feelings accurately. I travel to and from Dandenong every day, and I feel more and more like a stranger in my own town. It’s getting to the point where I won’t shop in Dandenong any more.

I would like to know what our government is going to do to fix this situation.

Nothing much, I’d say, they’re a pack of cowards who thought they were doing the right thing by “rescuing” these people from their war-torn strife, but have not provided the back-up and support to help these people realise what we have in this country, which is good and healthy, and which they could be a part of, so long as they work to get over their imported issues. I fear for the children of any decent family in this country.

Those of us with common sense have our work cut out for us, I reckon. I have no faith in our government at all. But at this point, what to do?

Rabz replied to Troy Thu 06 Aug 09 (01:56pm)


If it’s any consolation, I sympathise as a white middle class male - treated as a never ending source of taxation revenue to fund the lifestyles of people I despise and people who despise me.

People who don’t and won’t do anything for themselves. People who have children with multiple partners and then don’t give a rat’s about them. People addicted to drugs and alcohol who have nothing better to do than go out and assault and/or rob productive members of society. People from failed cesspits overseas being allowed into this country who hate me because of the colour of my skin and who consider bankrupting my society a contribution to ‘jihad’.

Braindead politicians who give my hard earned tax dollars away to scumbags to spend on booze, drugs and poker machines and then further increase my taxes to pay for this reckless stupidity…

I could go on, but what’s the point…

All of the factors above are going to lead to me ceasing to be a productive member of society a hell of a lot earlier than might otherwise be the case. There will come a point soon where I’ll opt out and the ‘gummint’ can support me.

When will braindead politicians start to realise the level of anger out there amongst people like us and try to tap into it?
Never, because politicians are short sighted, expedient, unprincipled, incompetent, corrupt morons and we’re not loud, obnoxious, violent, stupid, ‘highly visible’ idiots and/or ethnics.

Will I be able to blame society when I finally blow my stack and take some direct action?

No, didn’t think so…

Troy replied to Troy Thu 06 Aug 09 (05:15pm)

Thanks Mack, Griffin and Rabz you could have taken the words right out of my mouth. Perfectly summed up.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Ol' mo's 'deeds'...

“...a strong and clear message that killing innocent people, be they Muslims or non-Muslims, is a grave sin and is prohibited in the strongest terms in the Koran and in keeping with Mohammed’s deeds.”

What the?!?!?

In keeping with ol’ mo’s deeds, eh?!?!

There in that sentence above is as good an example of cognitive dissonance as you will ever behold.

These bigoted morons couldn’t lie straight in bed…

Rabz of Sydney (Reply)Fri 07 Aug 09 (01:30pm)

Ewan replied to Rabz Fri 07 Aug 09 (02:38pm)

Indeed Rabz. If anyone is “in keeping with Mohammed’s deeds” it’s not the moderates, it’s the terrorists.

Bemused replied to Rabz Fri 07 Aug 09 (05:37pm)

I object.

Mohammed did not put to death anyone who was innocent. He had a direct line to Allah who, being omniscient had insider information about a person’s guilt or innocence.

Therefore everyone Mohammed put to death had it coming.

If anyone was wrongfully slaughtered it was the angels fault as they have notoriously poor memories and their spelling..well that’s another story.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Melbourne's murderous muslim morons

Disgraceful. Of course nothing will be done to properly punish the idiots plotting these outrages. If they do end up in jail, they’ll get their halal food and sterilised Korans, as well as unfettered access to foaming, hate preaching imams…

That these insoluble bigots continue to flood into the country via boats from Indonesia (a muslim country) means that this problem will get a hell of a lot worse before it gets better (which is unlikely).

I’ve really had enough of this. What’s the point in working so that my taxes get spent on welfare benefits for these evil psychopathic scumbags who openly preach death to people like me and destruction of my society and culture?

Where can I find a politician or political party to vote for that will openly admit that allowing these racist, medieval misogynist monsters into this country is a very bad idea and it needs to stop? And that those muslim idiots here that are not citizens (or born here) will be deported if they cause any trouble?

My frustration with the idiot politicians we have in this country (and there’s way too bloody many of them, BTW) grows by the day, despite wondering how each new example of their stupidity could possibly be topped…

A very sound point was also made earlier about the evil, treacherous, sociopathic ‘progressive’ morons who are enabling the entry of these idiots and are acceding to their continued whining and demands that we adhere to their so called customs, not the other way round.

Also, if you want to discover where the real hotbeds of sharia creep are in this country, look no further than local governments (segregated swimming sessions, etc) and universities and tafe colleges.

Enough is enough.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Some thoughts about kevni ruff and penny wrong

Reader Ricky writes:

Hey Rabz,

That climate sceptics site is very good and precisely what I want to believe. I really want to see the climate change advocates refute the sceptics position point by point. In short I want to be convinced that human caused climate change is real. Otherwise I'm afraid I'm with the sceptics.


Good to hear from you.

The graphs are conclusive as far as I’m concerned. Bolt’s had them up at his site frequently. There is an evident cooling since 1998 (hot year because of el nino) and some very recent significant drops in temperatures (so much that .7 degrees of the estimated 1 degree rise in the twentieth century has been wiped out since 2000). All the while, carbon emissions have been increasing, mainly driven by increasing emissions from China and India.

This is the most singularly shameful episode in a never ending cavalcade of stupidity and pig headedness from loathsome braindead idiotology obsessed retards (i.e. politicians).

Watching that disgusting smug ignorant bint wrong refusing to answer Fielding’s questions would be funny if it wasn’t so serious.

The fact that these idiots are still considering an ETS that will destroy jobs and industry as well as driving up energy costs by about $1400 per person per year is just incomprehensible. Why do it anyway if China and India’s emissions instantly wipe out any carbon emission ‘savings’ we make from destroying our economy?

This is an absolute scandal and both labore and the gliberals deserve to be utterly physically hounded (i.e. egged, cakes in the face, the sex pistols ‘Liar’ blasted at top note whenever they try to speak publically) by angry mobs for even considering it.

This is not good enough and I am seriously furious about it.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Live bloggin' the Hawks V the Kitties

Currently watchin’ last year’s Grand Finalists going for it…

Hawks 98, Cats 91, six minutes remaining…

The momentum appears to be with the kitties

Rabz of Sydney (Reply)Sat 25 Jul 09 (04:40pm)

Hawks 98, Kitties 97…

Rabz of Swannyville (Reply)Sat 25 Jul 09 (04:44pm)

Scores level! 98 each…

seconds remain…

The Bartel!

draw looks likely.


It’s over, but the Bartel has a kick…

One point!

The Kitties snatch it - the hawks have snatched defeat from the jaws of victorah!

Final score:
Cats 99
Hawks 98

Rabz of Syd (Reply)Sat 25 Jul 09 (04:52pm)


When too much smugness is barely enough...

FFS, leftards give me the provoibials...

in a rare allusion to his African-American background

Oh puhleeze…

Obama, a notorious racist, (’Rev’ Wright anyone?) rarely alludes to his so called ‘background’ because he’s a sanctimonious opportunistic hypocrite given a free pass by a braindead leftist media.

The same braindead leftist media that smears anyone as a racist who makes an objective criticism of the smug commie fraud.

Not good enough.

Rabz of Sydney (Reply)Fri 24 Jul 09 (01:40pm)

LB replied to Rabz Fri 24 Jul 09 (11:27pm)

So to sum up, Obama is: a racist, sanctimonious, opportunistic, a hypocrite, smug, a communist and a fraud. I with all that objective criticism I reckon you’ve got him figured out champ!

Rabz replied to el bee Sat 25 Jul 09 (4:20pm)

Hey, I’m not a journalist and therefore don’t even have to pretend to be ‘objective’. Sorry I laid into your odious, self aggrandizing slime bucket…

Oops, did it again!

And guess what?

I’m not sorry!

He IS a smug, racist, sanctimonious, opportunistic, hypocritical, odious, self aggrandizing commie fraud slime bucket.

Truth and lefties, eh?

Mutually exclusive concepts…

BTW, no foither correspondence will be entered into, drone.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Violent Braindead Racist Victorian Idiots

Victorian Premier John "I am an Idiot" Brumby says:

Victoria remains the safest place to live in Australia, and one of the safest places anywhere in the world.

So why do you now need tanks on the streets of your beloved leftist multicunturalist paradise, you moron?

A classic comment on this farce over at Bolt's pretty much sums it up...

I predict that this thing will be a show-piece until it’s eventually retired in 50 years. If it ever is deployed, it’ll be (a) completely useless or (b) a disaster that leads to some sort of royal commission.
Matthew of Canberra

Thursday, July 16, 2009

The Paltridge and 'is Climate Capers...

Dynamite new book out today denouncing the preposterous sham that is global norming, err, climate change, err, climate toibulence, err, etc...

Dr Paltridge was a Chief Research Scientist with CSIRO and is a Fellow of the Academy of Science. His is a specialist in atmospheric physics and climatology. He took part in the establishment of the World Climate Program in the mid-1970’s, and was with the US National Climate Office during 1989 at the time of the emergence of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. For ten years he was CEO of the Antarctic Cooperative Research Centre studying the role of Antarctica and the Southern Ocean in climate. He is currently an Emeritus Professor at the University of Tasmania.

And meanwhile at Bolta's:

Rabz replied to watchfulfreddie Thu 16 Jul 09 (01:43pm)

“I put it to you that, you people aren’t really even interested in the science. You are merely interested in mocking and hurling insults at people because you choose to believe this is all a political issue and those that believe it are your political enemies.”

OK Blindfreddie, I’ll bite…

We are no longer interested in having laughably false, demonstrably preposterous, pseudo ‘science’ fed to us as fact by pompous, sanctimonious, lying hypocrites.

Therefore, on the basis of my statement above, I no longer regard this human induced climate catastrophe nonsense as a ‘scientific’ issue. We now stand to have our economy and therefore our livelihoods impacted by the pseudo religious belief of pathetic ignorant, lying moronic dweebs like ruff and wrong. Err, why was the introduction of the ETS delayed again? – here’s a hint – political expediency, not because it ‘couldn’t wait’, another demonstrably false assertion by ruff.

Therefore, these ignorant labore lunatics imposing a stupid new tax based on a laughably false premise is now as far as I’m concerned, a very ‘political’ issue. Yes and the morons out there who continue to believe in the concept of human induced climate catastrophe I do regard very much (along with braindead politicians) as being my enemies.

BTW, why didn’t you just denounce the Paltridge as being in the pay of big oil and be done with it? That’s about the extent of the ‘objectivity’ and reasoned argument I’d expect from you and your ilk…

Friday, July 10, 2009

The Shaidle!

The Shaidle sounds off about, well, just read it...

Lots of chatter about the David Kahane thing
And plenty of food for thought, although even I don't feel comfortable with conservatives getting as disgusting as liberals. This guy's persona is too much, even for me!
We do have to rethink our communications in some respects, however.
We rely upon rhetorical tropes that make perfect sense to us -- they would, because we're already conservatives. But they don't necessarily persuade those who need persuading.
For example: professional conservatives like to warn against making our children "pay off our debts" i.e. big government spending.
But many people who voted for Barack Obama either don't have kids or don't care about the ones they have.

Conservatives talk a lot about taxes. But nearly half of Americans don't pay income tax anyhow.
When a conservative hears the phrase "income tax", he thinks: "tax".
When an Obama voter hears the phrase "income tax," he thinks: "income."
Because poor people plan their lives (to the extent you can call it planning) around their income tax returns, which they spend on hair weaves, fake nails, tire rims and other essentials.
But effective communication will involve a lot of pain. Careerist hacks don't want to make factual observations related to class behaviours. Even if voters embrace them -- and millions of grateful voters would -- the media would crucify them.
# the Shaidle : 2009-07-09 08:50:28 EDT

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Pure Gold!

Hi all,

Behold the Global Norming Skeptics Handbook! Please read and start educating those annoying idiots out there who still swallow this preposterous evidence free garbage...

Meanwhile, the monstrous figure responsible for all the woild’s ManBearPig related deaths has turned up in the Ol’ Fart, foaming about Nayzees…

So far he hasn’t commented on his strategy for spreading ManBearPig awareness…

Enjoy the idiocy and hysteria - he's so serial!

The freak is dead, FFS just get over it!

Psychiatrist Robert M. Kaplan diagnoses Michael Jackson:

Jackson, we are told, was deprived of a childhood because of his early involvement in the music world and this, in some mysterious way, provided him with a lifelong excuse to perpetrate just about any self-indulgent, destructive, futile or mindless behaviour that an inordinately self-obsessed adult male who kept sleeping with young boys could wish to do for as long as he had the fame, money or credit to do it....

Jackson has eight siblings who were exposed to the same environment; why did none of them turn out the same way?… Jackson constantly branded his parents, especially his father, as “abusive”, the psychobabble word that conveys instant freedom from responsibility for the victim.... Considering the competition and pressures they faced, they would have had to be as hard on their charges as any parents of talented child stars. The results were little short of spectacular, and their children were given opportunities denied to many others…

Does any of this explain the star’s infantilism? Jackson did not have a sweet childlike nature, living in a perpetual Wendy world. Far from it. The evidence at his trial showed that he was a caricature of the cynical, calculated and predatory adult, soaked in booze and drugs, constantly conniving to manipulate children into a coercive environment where he could exploit them as he wished without bearing the consequences…

There is only one epitaph for Jackson. He was a disgrace: to his family, his people, his fans, his talent, his industry, his country and to every child who dreams of creating a better life for themselves as an adult without abdicating responsibility for their actions.
And better off dead...

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Soon to be ex ABC Journo denounces islamic freedom sacks

Hi all,

Utterly unbelievable...

A leftist, middle class feminist (and ABC journo no less!), comes out and nails her colours to the mast regarding the islamic freedom sack.

Will wonders never cease!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Repulsive Gallic Egomaniac says something sensible for a change...

Singularly repulsive and ineffectual French President Nicholas Sarkozy remembers that he's supposed to be a conservative and denounces that disgusting symbol of medieval sexist oppression and degradation, the islamic freedom sack.

About bloody time.

Now how about getting around to forcibly ejecting most of the evil parasitic bigots in France while you’re at it?!?!

I’m sure the ol’ fart would welcome them with open welfare chequebooks…

Friday, June 19, 2009

The Levant atomises Orwellian idiots, again!

The Levant atomises the canuckistan yuman rites commissariats.

It's long, it's extremely focussed in its absolute fury and it's all pure gold.

A single highlight:

"...I would like to point out something superlative in Lynch’s speech: she has taken Orwellian inversions to a level that I have not seen before. She’s simply the best at what Orwell called newspeak and doublethink.

Every flaw and error in her own conduct and that of her CHRC henchmen, she attributes to her opponents. Every vicious tactic she uses herself as a matter of course, she blames on her victims.

It is classic Orwellian behaviour, and it shows Lynch is better suited to working in Iran than in Canada."

Feel very free to read it all.

And remember, this is what evil, stupid, sociopathic 'progressives' want to inflict on us...

Valuable lessons can be learned from the 'yuman rites' precedents in that pathetic excuse for a country, Canuckistan...

Thursday, June 18, 2009


Braindead leftist pansies continue to waddle into debates on Bolt's and Blair's and continue to get smashed to a pulp – Bolt’s post about the upheavals in Iran, leads to an idiot leftist dragging Israel into the debate.

Remember, this is about that pathetic little dweeb ruff bignoting himself in relation to action he’d take against that odious little nayzee, ahmageddinabad…


Wasn’t Ruff going to take out Ahmageddinabad?
85 Comments 0 Trackbacks Permalink

No, we can’t and shouldn’t ever blame the Jews (or should that be Israel?!) for everything.
But, they are to blame for the humanitarian tragedy in Gaza.
See here or just google it if you’re interested....
Now what caused this Gaza tragedy to unfold? Hamas rockets and then a retaliatory and opportunistic attack by Israel...or was it
this?, of course some here will opt for the former but this only makes sense if you believe effect comes before cause.
Can someone please point out if the Rudd government has stated whether it will bring Israel before the International Court of Justice to face charges?
pbrain (Reply)Wed 17 Jun 09 (11:42am)

Rabz replied to pbrain Wed 17 Jun 09 (01:39pm)
You are very aptly named.
Did you know that the “Palestinians” could have had their own country as far back as 1948 had they accepted the UN sponsored partition plan which gave Israel AND the Palestinians a countries of their own on land which Jews had lived on for thousands of years? The Arabs rejected the UN offer and went to war with the infant Israeli nation. The Arabs lost and have been whining about it ever since.
Did you know that the Arabs in the disputed territories (conquered by Israel in the 1967 war which was started by Arabs) and who are not Israelis already have two countries right now? And that they are called Egypt and Jordan?
Learn some history, you pathetic bigot.

pbrain replied to pbrain Wed 17 Jun 09 (03:17pm)
Got any counter-arguments or just bluster and ad-hominems. I guess you would have provided them if you had any.
Rabz, were is the bigotry in revealing facts?
Do I support Hamas firing rockets? Of course I don’t.
Let’s not focus on my links, they serve the purpose of highlighting a grave situation. I could have cited hundreds of other links and they would have been dismissed out of hand. It helps to research without having your conclusion beforehand.
Is it not possible to have an informed discussion were both sides put forward arguments that are discussed and debated or am I on the wrong blog.

Rabz replied to pbrain Wed 17 Jun 09 (07:35pm)
Peabrain – I provided some fairly definitive counter arguments – the main one being that the ‘palestinians’ have no one to blame for the ‘humanitarian tragedy in gaza’ (as you so quaintly put it) except themselves.
The ‘palestinians’ are genocidal frauds. Look up the mohammed al-dura scandal, if you don’t believe me, or the more recent fabrications (aided and abetted by fifth columnist, traitorous lamestream media) exposed during Operation Cast Lead.
I stand by my original comments and the mild ad hominem at the end.
One of my favourite summations of your ilk is contained in the linked article and reads as such:
“Nevertheless, it is distressing to hear the large number of supposedly peace- loving critics of Israel in essence defend Hamas, one of the most virulently un-intellectual, illiberal, bellicose, misogynistic, hateful and violent brands of religious fanaticism on Earth.”
Onya peabrain.
Now please go away to a ‘progressive’ blog and spout your illogical, unsubstantiated off topic hysterics there, where they belong.

dowp replied to pbrain Wed 17 Jun 09 (11:43pm)
perhaps someone will bring you before a reputable body to test your IQ and historical awareness.
Based on your posts here, I think you’ll fail their tests but at least it’ll keep you off the blogging streets for awhile and give us all a rest.

Honestly, why do these morons bother?

Monday, June 15, 2009

Traceeeeeeee needs a snifter of industrial solvents...

Take the Blair Awareness quiz, people!

BTW, I got 64% and my comment should be on page four…

Saturday, June 13, 2009

The Kaka signs for Real Madrid

Real Madrid have been in the market, netting some stars and breaking some transfer records.

Look out, Giggsy!
And in the meantime, another offer has been accepted from the Castillians for a certain Portuguese prima donna
Thank you, Global Financial Crisis!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

South Africa, here we come!

Socceroos qualify for finals

Second team to qualify – I remember when we would’ve usually been the last to qualify (as happened last woild cup).

I told you so!

Thanks, you muslim creep...

On Bollocks Hussein Osama's pathetic, grovelling 'speech'

Reader Daniel writes:

Rabz, it is not just Jewish Americans who should feel betrayed.
It is every American who watched 9/11.
Every American who fought against tyranny or for democracy.
As a letter in today’s Australian notes:
When one side makes it very clear that it wants to annihilate the other side, you do not go to them and plead for a new beginning in relations. President Obama will learn that lesson in due course. We learned it in the 1930s when Hitler had similar intentions.

Thanks Dan,

Yet again, you’re a voice of commonsense after a whole lot of shrill Jew hating bigots.
muslims ARE nazis - therefore your historical allusions are very apt.
And to any idiots who dare challenge my previous assertion - muslims hate Jews with the same kind of irrational racist foaming that the nayzees did.
So shut up, get over it and stop fantasising about annihilating Jews.
It’s not going to happen.
Keep threatening us and you’ll find out why.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

The Plimer!

Hey everyone,

To 'is credit, the Plimer is very angry aboot global norming idiots!

Please read on...

In a wonderful gesture of public spiritedness, seven academics who include three lead authors of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and a former director of the World Climate Research Program wrote to Australian power generating companies on April 29 instructing them to cease and desist creating electricity from coal....

“The warming of the atmosphere, driven by human-induced emissions of greenhouse gases, is already causing unacceptable damage and suffering around the world.”

No evidence is provided for this statement and no signatory to this letter has published anything to support this claim. These university staff are unctuously understanding about the plight of those who face employment extinction in the smokestack towns of Australia.

They write: “We understand that this will require significant social and economic transition that will need to be managed carefully to care for coal sector workers and coal-dependent communities.”. This love for fellow workers brings tears to the eyes.

The electricity generating companies should reply by cutting off the power to the academics’ homes and host institutions, forcing our idiotologues to lead by example.

He's roight!

Stupid hippy hypocrites!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

I'm so sick of bollocks hussein osama

The trickle is slowly becoming a flood...

Two must read articles about the evil, incompetent idiot:

Kevin Jackson -

David Solway -

Many thanks to the Shaidle.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Young gliberal apparatchikettes

A fine young woman...
Another even finer young woman...

Hey everyone,

The young gliberal apparatchikettes have gone mainstream!

Fatty O'Barrellini was in the Daily T (page 3) this moaning denouncing, "...all this 'orrible unpleasant, obyectificationionion of these fine, upstanding, extremely fit and intelligent young things." He then went on to say "the fact that they're really 'ot is irrelevant... I mean, when are the loikes of Bolt and the Blair going to stop treating young women like uncovered meat to try and score cheap political points, as well as recruiting impressionable young men to tha consoivative cause... "

And furthermore, "yada, yada, yada..."

P.J. was correct!!!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Some more thoughts aboot global norming

Global norming adherents deserve extinction, not those cuddly poley bears.

There's still way too much hysterical crap about global norming/climate change in the media for my liking though...

And too many idiots that I'm getting into arguments with who still believe that human economic activity is destroying the planet.

There's been way too much fanaticism invested in this whole scam for the most prominent purveyors to come out and admit it though.

Could anyone really picture idiots like gore, flummery, '100 metres' williams, hansen, garret, wrong (penny), ruff, clive ‘the hypocrite’ hamilton, and osama (that's bollocks hussein osama, not the deceased cave dweller) ever actually admitting they’re wrong?

Unfortunately, that’s why we're going to be stuck with this absolute and utter hysterical, chicken little, preposterous fact free garbage for a whole lot longer than necessary.

Meanwhile, how many people in the third woild will have been denied economic opportunities and food (look up the damage biofuel harvesting is causing to food production levels) to satisfy some egomaniacal braindead western leftists and their ridiculous fantasies?

Saturday, May 16, 2009

The Levant Strikes, Again!

The Levant is a Hero - no debate or correspondence wil be entered into...

Read aboot 'ow stuffin' money into a jew's mooth isn't racism!


Hey Idiots who still believe in Global Norming!!

Please read this you pathetic, sanctimonious, braindead evil zombies!

I don’t bait greens only for fun. I do it because they’re public enemy number one...

James Delingpole Shreds the Insanity that is Global Norming


Friday, May 15, 2009

Do people hate Jews because of their religion or their race? Or are people just jealous?

Reader Simon writes:
Hey Rabz,
Is it true that Jews are not a racial group, they are just members of a religious faith?
The nayzees persecuted the Jews on the basis of race, not religion.
Muslims, who by the way, are NOT a race, persecute Jews on the same basis.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

the Economist in Residence is in the 'oose!

Reader Alan writes:

Rabz, can you explain a bit of economics to me? I can’t balance the petty cash book, so I need help.
1) Wayne Swan and Kevin Rudd have just handed out $43 billion in a ‘stimulus’ package that includes $900 cheques and zillions of pink batts. “Roll up, roll up, money for all”.
2) Wayne Swan and Kevin Rudd are now telling us the country is broke and the ‘harshest budget since the Depression’ will be required to stop the country having Depression Mk.II. This includes means-testing the private health rebate (core promise NOT to do), and other measures of increased taxation. They tell us the budget will not return to surplus until 2015.
My question. How are these two events compatible by a government that claims to be acting “responsibly”?
To me, second grade maths tell us that the two measures contradict each other. But then, I’m an economic illiterate - what would I know.

Hi Al,

Your economist in residence is 'ere to answer your question.

Like all good socialists, they are “redistributing the wealth” – the answer, in a nutshell.

The free cash comes courtesy of hard working taxpayers who are badgered and threatened by the ATO to pay up or else.

I'm still waiting for my Jan to Mar PAYG statement as the idiots at the ATO keep sending it to the wrong address...

If you earn over $100K, you don't get a cent. I'm owed over $2500 by the ATO, but ruff and his moronic minions are more than happy to send out $900 cheques to people who are either dead or not even citizens of this country.

The money they've extorted out of me won't even keep an extended family of refugees in welfare for more than two weeks.

This is how they are beggaring our country.

No one could have predicted (except Andrew B) this level of incompetence and utter idiocy before the election, but the MSM as usual, let us all down.


Friday, May 1, 2009

Melbourne's 'Water Crisis'

Is there any way that these idiot Victorian ALP politicians could be held accountable for such staggeringly arrogant incompetence?

Voting them out seems like a mere slap on the wrist…

Massive fines, jail time and removal of pension entitlements seems fair enough, in my ‘umble ‘o’pinion. It’s hardly as if they weren’t aware of the consequences of their idiotology driven stupidity and inactivity.

The fact that the decision to go with a desal plant reeks of corruption simply makes their behaviour even more obscene.

Ah democracy, aint it grand?!?!?

Saturday, April 25, 2009

The Mustovich FC Starting XI

Well, football is my favourite sport...

A simple message for those idiots that still believe in Global Norming:


There. I feel much better now.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Mission Statement of Rabz' Blogue

The latest 'stimulus package':

As a single white male earning over $100Kpa I get nothing. Zero, Zip, Nada, Blot.

I am however, inevitably viewed as a racist before even so much as speaking. I’m blithely assumed to be an endless source of taxation revenue to fund the pointless lives of lazy braindead white trash, whining, entitlement demanding, racist immigrant peons and other wonderfully colourful diverse ‘types’.

I’m assumed to be a violent, potential rapist by so called feminists. All because of circumstances beyond my control.

I worked hard at school, put up with years of (relative) poverty at University and then had the hide to struggle in various workplaces to get ahead whilst actively being discriminated against.

I'm not allowed to express my political views (unless anonymously, through blogs like this) under pain of losing my livelihood and yet have to put up with pathetic, abusive, violent, ignorant, moronic hypocrites a hell of a lot more than should be necessary.

Yet ultimately, this could be tolerated because personally, things could be a lot worse. Having been widely travelled, there is still no doubt that Australia is the only ‘nation’ on the planet that I would want to live in. I’ve always admired couples who have children for the right reasons and willingly take responsibility for them. Ultimately, middle class parents make more sacrifices than anyone else by producing future taxpayers. I am willing to bankroll their ‘lifestyle choices’ – just not lazy useless scumbags.

However, the enthusiasm is waning due to being old enough to vaguely remember the shambolic excesses of the sh*tlam ‘era’ (certainly remember my father spending most of those three years utterly apoplectic).

But this current bunch of pig headed, brainwashed, hypocritical, lazy, stupid, sanctimonious, smarmy, brown nosing (e.g. of morons like bollocks osama and the one eyed scottish idiot), egomaniacal, solipsistic, megalomaniacal, idiotology obsessed, uptight, censorious, Orwellian, guilt obsessed pieces of excrement WILL end up bankrupting this country and turning it into Keato’s wet dream of a banana republic before our very eyes – and sooner rather than later.

Is this the legacy you people want to leave your kiddies?!?

$300 billion in foreign debt and counting? Harassing and badgering people to try to pay off that debt simply because they aren’t lazy, dysfunctional, braindead illiterate clowns?

And yet that evil li’l dweeb has an approval rating of 74% by beggaring the economy in barely 12 months…

And yes, I’m and mad as hell and I’m not going to take it anymore…