Saturday, May 30, 2009

The Plimer!

Hey everyone,

To 'is credit, the Plimer is very angry aboot global norming idiots!

Please read on...

In a wonderful gesture of public spiritedness, seven academics who include three lead authors of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and a former director of the World Climate Research Program wrote to Australian power generating companies on April 29 instructing them to cease and desist creating electricity from coal....

“The warming of the atmosphere, driven by human-induced emissions of greenhouse gases, is already causing unacceptable damage and suffering around the world.”

No evidence is provided for this statement and no signatory to this letter has published anything to support this claim. These university staff are unctuously understanding about the plight of those who face employment extinction in the smokestack towns of Australia.

They write: “We understand that this will require significant social and economic transition that will need to be managed carefully to care for coal sector workers and coal-dependent communities.”. This love for fellow workers brings tears to the eyes.

The electricity generating companies should reply by cutting off the power to the academics’ homes and host institutions, forcing our idiotologues to lead by example.

He's roight!

Stupid hippy hypocrites!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

I'm so sick of bollocks hussein osama

The trickle is slowly becoming a flood...

Two must read articles about the evil, incompetent idiot:

Kevin Jackson -

David Solway -

Many thanks to the Shaidle.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Young gliberal apparatchikettes

A fine young woman...
Another even finer young woman...

Hey everyone,

The young gliberal apparatchikettes have gone mainstream!

Fatty O'Barrellini was in the Daily T (page 3) this moaning denouncing, "...all this 'orrible unpleasant, obyectificationionion of these fine, upstanding, extremely fit and intelligent young things." He then went on to say "the fact that they're really 'ot is irrelevant... I mean, when are the loikes of Bolt and the Blair going to stop treating young women like uncovered meat to try and score cheap political points, as well as recruiting impressionable young men to tha consoivative cause... "

And furthermore, "yada, yada, yada..."

P.J. was correct!!!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Some more thoughts aboot global norming

Global norming adherents deserve extinction, not those cuddly poley bears.

There's still way too much hysterical crap about global norming/climate change in the media for my liking though...

And too many idiots that I'm getting into arguments with who still believe that human economic activity is destroying the planet.

There's been way too much fanaticism invested in this whole scam for the most prominent purveyors to come out and admit it though.

Could anyone really picture idiots like gore, flummery, '100 metres' williams, hansen, garret, wrong (penny), ruff, clive ‘the hypocrite’ hamilton, and osama (that's bollocks hussein osama, not the deceased cave dweller) ever actually admitting they’re wrong?

Unfortunately, that’s why we're going to be stuck with this absolute and utter hysterical, chicken little, preposterous fact free garbage for a whole lot longer than necessary.

Meanwhile, how many people in the third woild will have been denied economic opportunities and food (look up the damage biofuel harvesting is causing to food production levels) to satisfy some egomaniacal braindead western leftists and their ridiculous fantasies?

Saturday, May 16, 2009

The Levant Strikes, Again!

The Levant is a Hero - no debate or correspondence wil be entered into...

Read aboot 'ow stuffin' money into a jew's mooth isn't racism!


Hey Idiots who still believe in Global Norming!!

Please read this you pathetic, sanctimonious, braindead evil zombies!

I don’t bait greens only for fun. I do it because they’re public enemy number one...

James Delingpole Shreds the Insanity that is Global Norming


Friday, May 15, 2009

Do people hate Jews because of their religion or their race? Or are people just jealous?

Reader Simon writes:
Hey Rabz,
Is it true that Jews are not a racial group, they are just members of a religious faith?
The nayzees persecuted the Jews on the basis of race, not religion.
Muslims, who by the way, are NOT a race, persecute Jews on the same basis.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

the Economist in Residence is in the 'oose!

Reader Alan writes:

Rabz, can you explain a bit of economics to me? I can’t balance the petty cash book, so I need help.
1) Wayne Swan and Kevin Rudd have just handed out $43 billion in a ‘stimulus’ package that includes $900 cheques and zillions of pink batts. “Roll up, roll up, money for all”.
2) Wayne Swan and Kevin Rudd are now telling us the country is broke and the ‘harshest budget since the Depression’ will be required to stop the country having Depression Mk.II. This includes means-testing the private health rebate (core promise NOT to do), and other measures of increased taxation. They tell us the budget will not return to surplus until 2015.
My question. How are these two events compatible by a government that claims to be acting “responsibly”?
To me, second grade maths tell us that the two measures contradict each other. But then, I’m an economic illiterate - what would I know.

Hi Al,

Your economist in residence is 'ere to answer your question.

Like all good socialists, they are “redistributing the wealth” – the answer, in a nutshell.

The free cash comes courtesy of hard working taxpayers who are badgered and threatened by the ATO to pay up or else.

I'm still waiting for my Jan to Mar PAYG statement as the idiots at the ATO keep sending it to the wrong address...

If you earn over $100K, you don't get a cent. I'm owed over $2500 by the ATO, but ruff and his moronic minions are more than happy to send out $900 cheques to people who are either dead or not even citizens of this country.

The money they've extorted out of me won't even keep an extended family of refugees in welfare for more than two weeks.

This is how they are beggaring our country.

No one could have predicted (except Andrew B) this level of incompetence and utter idiocy before the election, but the MSM as usual, let us all down.


Friday, May 1, 2009

Melbourne's 'Water Crisis'

Is there any way that these idiot Victorian ALP politicians could be held accountable for such staggeringly arrogant incompetence?

Voting them out seems like a mere slap on the wrist…

Massive fines, jail time and removal of pension entitlements seems fair enough, in my ‘umble ‘o’pinion. It’s hardly as if they weren’t aware of the consequences of their idiotology driven stupidity and inactivity.

The fact that the decision to go with a desal plant reeks of corruption simply makes their behaviour even more obscene.

Ah democracy, aint it grand?!?!?