Sunday, November 29, 2009

One is a person, not a cetacean!

Yeah report it,

You stupid evil commies!

Groupthink spouting enviroweenies!

Sorry, Kae, the message needs to be continually SHOUTED OUT for those victims of the marxist education system.

Keep ‘em dumb ‘n’ keep ‘em illiterate and you can make ‘em believe anything…
Not good enough.

We have a civic duty to re-educate morons. We can do it, one soft euroweenie pansy at a time.



Rabz of Big Soot Central (Reply)

Sat 28 Nov 09 (08:11pm)

Abu Chowdah replied to Rabz
Sat 28 Nov 09 (09:31pm)

Moby ahoy!

Rabz replied to Rabz

Sun 29 Nov 09 (02:40pm)

I am a man, not a whale!

bingbing replied to Rabz

Sun 29 Nov 09 (04:07pm)

Not a whale? Got a peer-reviewed link to prove it?

Thought not!

Saturday, November 28, 2009

It's not rocket science you moron!

Turnbull sounds bewildered: “The people that are opposing me within the party do not believe in climate change at all.”

Oh really Mal? Who would've thought...

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

You spineless Idiots!

An email to those scumbags at the gliberal party:

Due to the utterly craven collaboration with the worst government in the history of this country to impose an extortionate tax, further intrusion and regulation into business and personal lives, further erosion of personal liberty and capitulation to venal interest groups, I, my entire family and everyone I know cannot and will not support your party, and if no option is offered will vote informal.

The Liberal Party will have the worst federal election result in its entire history, which it will richly deserve for its cowardice and moral turpitude; the economic and social disaster that will descend on the Australian people will be less deserved, as they will be left with little option.

We now have a one party state in all but name. I would’ve joined, contributed and campaigned for the party if you had the fortitude to fight this idiocy based on fraud, but obviously the retention of the leader’s marginal seat is of more import than the national interest.

The Liberal Party is finished, and under these circumstances all I can say is good riddance.

Courtesy of the mighty Habib of Wilston

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Welease Woger!

“Like many Australians, I’m afraid”.

Err, per’aps:

“Like many Australians, I’m afraid I’ll be exposed as an unthinking, braindead moronic idiot given to believing in quite patently preposterous hoaxes about how yuman economic activitah is destroying the planet!”
And we wouldn’t want that, would we sheeple?

P.S. Don’t forget aboot those cybernetic entitahs called Gaia, peons!

Rabz of a woild gone stark ravin' bonkers (Reply)
Sat 21 Nov 09 (03:58pm)

It is about time somebody of Clive Hamilton’s calibre rode into to town to deal with the denialist hombre backwoods militia that have been holding the planet to ransom. Polish your gun-racks and pat your pig dogs while you can you rednecks. The day of reckoning approaches.

Roger of Scoresby (Reply)
Sat 21 Nov 09 (06:21pm)

Winston Smith replied to Roger
Sat 21 Nov 09 (08:43pm)
See the message below, Woger…

“In a rare bout of descriptive accuracy, Rudd plans to rename Australia “the Democratic Republic of Dumbturdistan"."

...and you, slaphead, are this overgrown village’s idiot.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

So how do we shut these evil child abusing morons up?!?!

OK, that’s it.

Reason, evidence and logic is not producing the desired result, i.e. that these evil, hysterical lying morons cease and desist.

It pains me to say this - but what other options do we have?

If we continue to sit back and do nothing, as we have been (apart from a lot of eloquent griping), these evil, braindead marxist morons will:

A. Impose an ETS
B. Sign away our sovereignty to the UN

I am no longer willing to countenance either of the above occurring.

Sorry, but as far as I’m concerned these evil bastards need to be forcibly shut down.

Enough is enough.

Rabz of a woild gone stark ravin' bonkers

Thursday, November 12, 2009

An Email to the Slime Monster

rudd, you evil, egomaniacal, prissy little commie pansy, if you and your slavering bunch of society destroying economic troglodytes impose the ETS and sign the Copenhagen treaty, effectively giving the order to bankrupt this country, you are history…

I will never forget, much less forgive…

Catastrophic human induced climate change is the most preposterous hoax of both the twentieth and twenty first centuries.

I am utterly livid that the electorate has been so braindead as to elect the first so called ‘government’ that is unrepentantly committed to destroying our economy and making everybody in this country worse off.

Oh and the role of the evil, braindead commie media (with of course, a few notable exceptions) in this utter scandal won’t be forgotten or forgiven either…

And as for the so called scientists (grants gobblers) and other assorted carpetbaggers (e.g. al bore) that are perpetrating these lies, don’t get me started…

Go jump, you evil, mediocre, braindead totalitarian weasel. I hope you die a long, slow painful death and soon.

Yours sincerely,

Rabbi Pavel Mustovich