Saturday, August 29, 2009

Bollocks Osama to 'change' the interwebs!

Is there nothing this loathsome lying commie fraud can't do?

Senate Bill Would Give President Emergency Control of Internet

Be very afraid - first braindead conroy, now ol uncle tom osama!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Evil, smelly enviropsycho scum

To the peanut brained goat fucking moron leaving stupid, offensive, threatening comments on this blog:





Sanctimonious lying bigots getting a free pass...

Well, count me as a detractor!

There are several reasons for my reluctance (and inability) to put up with the provocations of these self important types (especially talaleban and of late that raj), who assume they have a right to act as smug, self appointed spokesdissemblers for their so called ‘faith’.

There is no reason for non muslims to place any credence whatsoever in any soothing assurances from these types that, islam is a religion of peace, no threat to our way of life, etc.

Whether these types are willing to admit it or not, I and a quite a few others who comment on this blog know a hell of a lot more about their so called ‘faith’ than we ever wanted to. This pursuit of knowledge is based on the simple motto of “know thy enemy”.

islam has been an implacable scourge of civilization for the duration of its existence. There is ample, indisputable evidence of this fact. There is certainly no doubt that some other faiths have also constituted major impediments to the advancement of humanity, which is why I am not so much an atheist, as an anti religionist.

But their so called ‘faith’ is the worst of the worst. As already noted, I make this observation without prejudice and on the basis of indisputable evidence. I will not interact with adherents of this ‘faith’ in any way, including refusing to be conveyed by them in taxis, refusing to have them in my workplace, etc.

There is one word to explain my views and behavior – “trust”.

I will never trust any adherent of this so called ‘faith’ as there is simply no way of knowing if these ‘adherents’ are hate filled, murderous, closet fundamentalists.

As a result I’m also disinclined to put up with these glib, smug, hit and run, obnoxious, childish attempts to dispute the indisputable and defend the indefensible.

That is why I regard these types as beyond contempt and being adherents of that so called ‘faith’, as intrinsic, irredeemable bigots. Following Andrew’s call on this I will not debate them anymore, or respond to their provocations.

I also appreciate that I’ve been less than civil before to people on this blog who have attempted to rewrite history, peddle historical falsehoods or displayed inexcusable historical ignorance. And I have a temper. And for all of which I remain utterly unrepentant.

Sorry, Macca, I sympathise. Nonna, you should also reconsider, but it appears you already have. Andrew, I’d appreciate the Mods allowing me this opportunity to explain my views – apologies for the length.

Friday, August 21, 2009

age of stupid - not my woids, theirs'...

Hey Rabz!

A friend of mine has made a film about climate change.

The Premiere is tonite.

Another friend bought tickets but can’t go. Tickets are $30 for two.

I’ll be there, along with some other ‘famous’ people.

Thanks Gordon, but no thanks.

Some observations:

Age of stupid is an extremely appropriate title for a film about the greatest hoax of both the twentieth and twenty first centuries
When the history of this age is studied in the future, the fact that there was so much inexplicable hysteria, state sanctioned fraudulence and misallocation of resources over a mean temperature variation of a third of a degree will stagger those looking at it
This film will last about a week in the cinemas
This film will come to be regarded as even more ridiculous than al bore’s ‘an incontinent truth’

“Why didn’t humanity do more about ‘climate change’ while it had the chance?” How exactly do you do ‘something’ about an utterly imaginary phenomenon - i.e. catastrophic human induced climate change?

By denying food to people in thoid woild countries through misallocation of productive arable land to production of biofuels (for use by western hypocrites)?
By denying people in thoid woild countries the right to economic development?
By fraudulently demonising carbon dioxide as a ‘pollutant’?
By hobbling your country’s ability to produce and utilise cheap and abundant sources of energy and driving up the cost of that energy, all to make an utterly insignificant cut in so called carbon emissions?
By creating an entirely useless and fraudulent new economic trading instrument (carbon trading) for peddling by cocaine addled masters of the universe, further perpetuating un utterly unjustifiable misallocation of resources?
By scarring the country side with ugly, useless inefficient wind farms?
By peddling lies about the following?
Melting ice caps
Endangered species that aren’t
Rising sea levels
Increased temperatures

I’m sick to death of hearing about this preposterous, hysterical, fraudulent, sanctimonious, utterly insane fact and evidence free load of bollocks.

· The oith is a natural system.
· The oith’s climate has always changed
· Carbon dioxide does not drive temperature increases, nor does it have any effect on ‘climate’
· The ice caps are not melting
· Poley bears are not in danger of extinction
· Sea levels are not rising
· The barrier reef is not being bleached, poisoned, etc
· There has been no increase in extreme weather events over the last thoity years

And finally there has never been, nor will there ever be, an ideal global temperature.

And spare me this crazy undignified panic, PLEASE!

Yours in self righteous fury,

Rabbi Pavel Mustovich

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Hey talaleban – leave Rabz’ posts alone!

Heh - he obviously forgot to take his copy of “dhimmitude for dummies” along…

Rabz of a woild gone mad... (Reply)Fri 14 Aug 09 (01:42pm)

Talal replied to Rabz Fri 14 Aug 09 (03:04pm)
“dhimmitude for dummies”

rule 1. the families have the right to request their own rules and customs be adhered to in their own wedding.

islam has no rules pertaining to segregation of sexes during weddings.

TonyP replied to Rabz Fri 14 Aug 09 (05:11pm)

And guests, or anyone else for that matter, have the right to walk out whenever they please. Islam may have no such rules but are you saying that the hosts were not making a religious decision when they opted for segregation? Why do you think they wanted to keep the men and women apart?

CountryBumpkin replied to Rabz Fri 14 Aug 09 (07:13pm)

Oi! Tal la la la

“It is a popular venue for community weddings but rules state all ceremonies must be held in accordance of Sahriah law, the Islamic code. It states:

Wedding hire at the LMC is only available for Islamic weddings.

Hirers should ensure they require a wedding that complies with Islamic Shariah in which there is no free mixing between sexes and where proper Islamic dress code and etiquettes are observed.”

“islam has no rules pertaining to segregation of sexes during weddings”

Right! must have been the christian/jewish version of SHARIA law they were observing........????

Your trousers must fit you like a glove, nobody can get that stupid playing with one!!!!

Rabz replied to Rabz Fri 14 Aug 09 (08:49pm)

Err, talaleban,

Why insist on segregation, as a ‘custom’ at a particular venue, especially in a western country, where enforced segregation of the sexes at public occasions is frowned upon?

Is it because wahhabi influence is predominating in the West, courtesy of all those petrodollars?

I would prefer to see the ultimately irrelevant influence of so called ‘sufi’ islam in the West, rather than the confrontational, violent, racist, misogynist, backward, intolerant viral strain of waahabi islam.

Which, by the way is the original strain of islam (and please don’t try and tell us otherwise).

Remember talaleban, you ad’ere to the same backward belief system as these bigots.

And BTW, I’m not into responding to your disingenuous, dissembling twaddle.

Please leave my posts alone.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

On why politicians are the scum of the oith...

No politician ever asked the people if they wanted to live in a multicuntural societah...

It was just foisted on us...

Why is it I am starting to feel like a foreigner in my own country? I am a 35 year old male Anglo Saxon that works 6 days a week in my own business. I have a reasonably happy marriage and 1 child. I vote Liberal and would consider myself Right Wing in my beliefs. In the last 2 years since Krudd has managed to get into power, I feel like I live in a foreign country. Left wing feral radicals that we used to laugh at getting water cannoned on the news because they were protesting aboot whatever the cause of the day was are now infiltrating all levels of Government.
Politicians, Judges, Lawyers, Police, Teachers and Journalist are more concerned about being Politically Correct than they are about Common Sense.

We are more concerned about WHY radical lunatics terrorist want to blow us up, and then we try and make up ways of blaming ourselves for their actions. Instead of blaming the terrorists, then locking them away for life.

We have a State Labore Government that is so obviously corrupt and totally ineffective that in 11 years have never had even 1 project run on time and on budget, they have done nothing about basic service like Transport, Water, yet waste more of our money than any Government in history and it is tolerated, and Victorians continue to vote for them. Maybe that’s because the opposition (State Libs) is pathetic at the very least and seem quite content to stay in opposition and simply refuses to hold the Government accountable for their total failures in all areas of Government.

We have a Federal Government that continues to import refugees from countries that will never assimilate into Australian societah, and already think Australia owes them something. Most of them come from a war torn country where kids are brought up with an AK47 in their hands. They see violent death, massacres and rapes daily, and have no concept of value of a life in the same sense as we do in Australia. In their country is they commit a crime they are killed, in Australia they are taught to be a victim and because of their horrible upbringing they are not responsible for their crimes, and even if they are jailed, they get a warm bed and 3 meals a day.
All common sense and people (other than Andrew Bolt) seem to be just accepting the changes in our society as normal. Maybe that why I must be a foreigner in my own country as nothing is making any sense anymore.

Troy of Melb (Reply)
Thu 06 Aug 09 (10:10am)

mack replied to Troy Thu 06 Aug 09 (11:42am)

Sorry Troy, your description clearly places you in a minority group without much political influence. Welcome to the club, mate

Griffin replied to Troy Thu 06 Aug 09 (12:13pm)

Hi Troy, you reflect my feelings accurately. I travel to and from Dandenong every day, and I feel more and more like a stranger in my own town. It’s getting to the point where I won’t shop in Dandenong any more.

I would like to know what our government is going to do to fix this situation.

Nothing much, I’d say, they’re a pack of cowards who thought they were doing the right thing by “rescuing” these people from their war-torn strife, but have not provided the back-up and support to help these people realise what we have in this country, which is good and healthy, and which they could be a part of, so long as they work to get over their imported issues. I fear for the children of any decent family in this country.

Those of us with common sense have our work cut out for us, I reckon. I have no faith in our government at all. But at this point, what to do?

Rabz replied to Troy Thu 06 Aug 09 (01:56pm)


If it’s any consolation, I sympathise as a white middle class male - treated as a never ending source of taxation revenue to fund the lifestyles of people I despise and people who despise me.

People who don’t and won’t do anything for themselves. People who have children with multiple partners and then don’t give a rat’s about them. People addicted to drugs and alcohol who have nothing better to do than go out and assault and/or rob productive members of society. People from failed cesspits overseas being allowed into this country who hate me because of the colour of my skin and who consider bankrupting my society a contribution to ‘jihad’.

Braindead politicians who give my hard earned tax dollars away to scumbags to spend on booze, drugs and poker machines and then further increase my taxes to pay for this reckless stupidity…

I could go on, but what’s the point…

All of the factors above are going to lead to me ceasing to be a productive member of society a hell of a lot earlier than might otherwise be the case. There will come a point soon where I’ll opt out and the ‘gummint’ can support me.

When will braindead politicians start to realise the level of anger out there amongst people like us and try to tap into it?
Never, because politicians are short sighted, expedient, unprincipled, incompetent, corrupt morons and we’re not loud, obnoxious, violent, stupid, ‘highly visible’ idiots and/or ethnics.

Will I be able to blame society when I finally blow my stack and take some direct action?

No, didn’t think so…

Troy replied to Troy Thu 06 Aug 09 (05:15pm)

Thanks Mack, Griffin and Rabz you could have taken the words right out of my mouth. Perfectly summed up.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Ol' mo's 'deeds'...

“...a strong and clear message that killing innocent people, be they Muslims or non-Muslims, is a grave sin and is prohibited in the strongest terms in the Koran and in keeping with Mohammed’s deeds.”

What the?!?!?

In keeping with ol’ mo’s deeds, eh?!?!

There in that sentence above is as good an example of cognitive dissonance as you will ever behold.

These bigoted morons couldn’t lie straight in bed…

Rabz of Sydney (Reply)Fri 07 Aug 09 (01:30pm)

Ewan replied to Rabz Fri 07 Aug 09 (02:38pm)

Indeed Rabz. If anyone is “in keeping with Mohammed’s deeds” it’s not the moderates, it’s the terrorists.

Bemused replied to Rabz Fri 07 Aug 09 (05:37pm)

I object.

Mohammed did not put to death anyone who was innocent. He had a direct line to Allah who, being omniscient had insider information about a person’s guilt or innocence.

Therefore everyone Mohammed put to death had it coming.

If anyone was wrongfully slaughtered it was the angels fault as they have notoriously poor memories and their spelling..well that’s another story.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Melbourne's murderous muslim morons

Disgraceful. Of course nothing will be done to properly punish the idiots plotting these outrages. If they do end up in jail, they’ll get their halal food and sterilised Korans, as well as unfettered access to foaming, hate preaching imams…

That these insoluble bigots continue to flood into the country via boats from Indonesia (a muslim country) means that this problem will get a hell of a lot worse before it gets better (which is unlikely).

I’ve really had enough of this. What’s the point in working so that my taxes get spent on welfare benefits for these evil psychopathic scumbags who openly preach death to people like me and destruction of my society and culture?

Where can I find a politician or political party to vote for that will openly admit that allowing these racist, medieval misogynist monsters into this country is a very bad idea and it needs to stop? And that those muslim idiots here that are not citizens (or born here) will be deported if they cause any trouble?

My frustration with the idiot politicians we have in this country (and there’s way too bloody many of them, BTW) grows by the day, despite wondering how each new example of their stupidity could possibly be topped…

A very sound point was also made earlier about the evil, treacherous, sociopathic ‘progressive’ morons who are enabling the entry of these idiots and are acceding to their continued whining and demands that we adhere to their so called customs, not the other way round.

Also, if you want to discover where the real hotbeds of sharia creep are in this country, look no further than local governments (segregated swimming sessions, etc) and universities and tafe colleges.

Enough is enough.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Some thoughts about kevni ruff and penny wrong

Reader Ricky writes:

Hey Rabz,

That climate sceptics site is very good and precisely what I want to believe. I really want to see the climate change advocates refute the sceptics position point by point. In short I want to be convinced that human caused climate change is real. Otherwise I'm afraid I'm with the sceptics.


Good to hear from you.

The graphs are conclusive as far as I’m concerned. Bolt’s had them up at his site frequently. There is an evident cooling since 1998 (hot year because of el nino) and some very recent significant drops in temperatures (so much that .7 degrees of the estimated 1 degree rise in the twentieth century has been wiped out since 2000). All the while, carbon emissions have been increasing, mainly driven by increasing emissions from China and India.

This is the most singularly shameful episode in a never ending cavalcade of stupidity and pig headedness from loathsome braindead idiotology obsessed retards (i.e. politicians).

Watching that disgusting smug ignorant bint wrong refusing to answer Fielding’s questions would be funny if it wasn’t so serious.

The fact that these idiots are still considering an ETS that will destroy jobs and industry as well as driving up energy costs by about $1400 per person per year is just incomprehensible. Why do it anyway if China and India’s emissions instantly wipe out any carbon emission ‘savings’ we make from destroying our economy?

This is an absolute scandal and both labore and the gliberals deserve to be utterly physically hounded (i.e. egged, cakes in the face, the sex pistols ‘Liar’ blasted at top note whenever they try to speak publically) by angry mobs for even considering it.

This is not good enough and I am seriously furious about it.