Sunday, December 19, 2010

You soft, braindead bleeps!

There you go, stating the bleeding obvious, yet again...



bog brown
silly filly
big teddles
dill 'o' tas
barnaby 'rubble' fife
the black knight
talaleban of islamistan
mar'n fer'son
dilip conroy
ian rintool
davo marred
bog ellis
gareth gareth evans
natasha bott-destroya
beryl kernot
goug sh*tlam
al grassby
john dumby
cad rann
cap'n bligh
pristina keneally
joh della bozo
ol' leftist
fair dinkum
lizard 'o' thiroull
turdstillborn34 'o' boganville
ros kelly
paul kelly
the grattan
adele horror
unfunnybelle crab
braindead deveny, duuuhhhh
dim flummery
robyn '100 metres' williams (not the actor)
egbert van rumpy pumpy of eurostan
chilla big ears, squoire!
bollocks hussein osama - blah cliched blah, etc
hugo chavez
huge yakman
crate blandchick
adam 'bum' bandit, MP
a collective 'o' braindead feminayzee wymmin, you sexist pig!
a bunch 'o' more equal animals...
and some silly carpet dogues

So that has to be it, bolt, surely - how will you be able to sleep at night now, you death dealing fascist?!?!?

These potential welfare recipients are dead and it's all your fault!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

'ave we 'ad enough yet?!?

The fault lies at the feet of ruff and dullard.

They have blood on their hands for getting rid of Howard’s policy.

dullard as PM should be at Christmas Island consoling all including those who witnessed this catastrophe.

I hope the press stand outside the Church door when ruff comes out on Christmas Day and ask him will he spare a thought for all who lost their loved ones, witnessed the carnage and does he have a guilty conscience...

Annie of Newcastle (Reply)
Sat 18 Dec 10 (08:29am)

...stand outside the Church door when ruff comes out on...

Annie, with respect, he'll be overseas waddling out of a mosque, most likely - after all 'e is 'foreign monster' nowadays...

An interview from the ALPBC shortly:

A question for foreign monster ruff: “Monster, how do you feel about your policies directly leading to the death of nearly 200 grasping, braindead, thoid woild peons?”

ruff: “with respect and I make no apologies for saying this, Leigh Sales, the programmatic specificitah of the coicumstances that could possibly lead indirectly to the person who is alleged to be the nominated leader of this nation that is south of indo bloody nesia blah bleeping blah bleeping blah, etc, etc ,etc…”

Everyone listening within a 200,000km radius falls asleep...

Saturday, November 20, 2010



You've raised a very interesting conundrum...

I'm so sick of commies 'redistributing' my wealth that I've recently (very legally, BTW) opted out of the income (PAYG) tax system altogether.

I would urge anyone in a potentially similar situation to do the same.

This is not a position that I advocate lightly.

The entirely avoidable and unnecessary (not to mention staggeringly expensive and socially destructive) 'ruffo' debacle has been the major driver of my decision to cease paying income tax.

It's one not so small way that I can actually hold these staggeringly evil, stupid and incompetent commie grubs to account.

gimmme and BTK, I sympathise with your positions, but enough is enough.

The tumbrils need to be readied and some direct action needs to be implemented.

A simple and easy way to force another feral erection would be to start placing 'pressure' (of various different, subtle kinds) on certain pathetic, easily targeted feral labore gumment plonkers.

Preferably, those in marginal seats.

Again, I don’t like advocating this course of action, but these vile pillocks have to be removed and soon (i.e. before 30 June 2011).

Otherwise we won't have a functioning society, economy or country remaining that we can rescue.

BTW, in a reversed scenario, our so called 'opponents' would have no problem with resorting to this course of action if they had the opportunity, intelligence and wherewithal to do so.

We do, they don't – so let's seize the opportunity while we still can.


Saturday, October 30, 2010

Latest news from the Front...

Wilders’ show trial is part of an Olympian woild wide leftist/islamist agenda to ‘legally’ deem any mention, let alone criticism or discussion of islam, off limits.

The dutch social and political caste won’t stop going after Wilders, his views and ideas are too ‘dangerous’. If they can’t jail him, you can’t help but get the impression they’d be perfectly happy to see him suffer the same fate as Theo van Gogh…

If labore’s mad yuman rites agenda gets up, this type of Orwellian, anti democratic insanity will be enabled here on a far more sinister, national scale.

Rabz of albansleazeyville (Reply)
Fri 29 Oct 10 (08:36am)

Winston Smith replied to Rabz
Fri 29 Oct 10 (11:02am)

I think that their plans are coming apart on them, Rabz.

Look at the political environment now, as opposed to two years ago. The backlash is picking up speed.

Hopefully it can be kept under control.

marie replied to Rabz
Fri 29 Oct 10 (11:36am)

Well said Rabz.

The outcome of this trial may well set the stage. I do feel that many fence-sitters will take Wilder’s side at this point in time. We were not so awake a year or two ago but I am hopeful that it will be a clarion call to freedom loving people that the leftist/academic/elites are the greatest threat to our society.

Free speech sets us free.

Ria Lohuis replied to Rabz
Sat 30 Oct 10 (12:03am)

The latest news re Geert Wilders can be obtained from:


It says that a Pro Wilders demonstration by the English Defence League has been shifted by the Amsterdam Mayor from the Museum Plein (square in central A’dam) to the western port area.

The Mayor said he had concrete evidence that members of the far right EDL were coming to Holland to look for a confrontation with both the police and anti-racists demonstrators!

The Dutch are in control and eventually they will not have their country overruled by minority groups.

Remember this is basically a Christian country: Protestant above “the Rivers” and Catholic in the South.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Some musings on the problem of greenie extremist scumbags...

No, they don’t believe in these things. Most of those who switched from Labor to Green in August did so because it was fashionable. None of the Labor-to-Green voters I know have any idea of Green policies nor do they care. But they were quick to tell me on the Sunday after the election they voted Green. No greater evidence of this than in those seats where being trendy is everything - Melbourne and Grayndler, in Sydney.

It is the grave weakness in the Greens’ support. Only a third of their voters are true believers, maybe even less.

Dave of Riverina (Reply)
Thu 30 Sep 10 (10:33am)

Rabz replied to Dave
Thu 30 Sep 10 (02:01pm)


Being a resident of Albansleazeyville (Grayndler), I must respectfully disagree with your assertion.

One point I’ve been banging on about over the last few months (in particular to a certain big teddles) is that a significant proportion of the demographic in albansleazeyville are sanctimonious, white, middle class, middle aged, baby boomer hippy scumbags (my neighbores).

These people are unrepentant in their not so secret adherance to the greenies’ extremist agenda. They know full well what the greenies stand for. They can’t exactly claim ignorance, having been steeped in this evil left wing lunacy all their pointless, parasitic lives.

The truly frightening thing is that the younger local greenie fascists are even more strident in their spouting of this year zero garbage…

Hopefully at least some of them might grow out of it.

Being a conservative in albansleazeyville is truly a surreal experience - sometimes I feel like an exhibit in a zoo.

Aristocracy of Grunts replied to Dave
Thu 30 Sep 10 (02:30pm)

Greens have ditched political argument and moved direct to marketing. It’s not about the policies, or the details, it’s about the image voters have of themselves when they vote for you.

Green voter’s self-image: a really good person, caring, yet special--a bit different, more intelligent than the lumpenproles who vote for the Big Parties, young but with the future of the PlanetTM at heart.

An image so dreamily disconnected from the true consequences of voting Green as to be almost laughable.

But it works. Enough people voted Green because they thought it was the cool thing to do for the Greens to now have power far out of proportion to the number of votes they attracted, and light-years greater than they’d have if they depended on just the votes of those who fully grasp and support their policies.

Dave replied to Dave
Thu 30 Sep 10 (03:16pm)


While I agree with your description, they are not true believers. If they were true believers they would not have carbon footprints twice that of the average Australian. Green policies will hit these trendy Green voters hardest. That is because to a person they have jobs that only exist because Australia is a first-world economy that can afford the luxury of baristas and Age columnists.

In Bob Brown’s stone age utopia they will be running around pleading for someone to catch them a rat to eat. I suspect they know that. Voting Green was only a good idea when it mean nothing. Now it is having a real effect, they will step back.

Rabz replied to Dave
Thu 30 Sep 10 (06:04pm)

Now it (voting green) is having a real effect, they will step back.

Thanks Dave,

Wish I shared your optimism.

What worries me the most about these vile hypocrites is that they unrepentantly view themselves as “more equal animals” (see AoG above), with all the attendant power and privilege that concept implies.

That is why I distrust and despise them so.

They will never stop voting green. I hope I am wrong.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Dissent Crushed in Newtown!

Bugger - it is indeed gone - everything inside the circle bar the red diagonal line has been painted white (and the ‘b’ word has been removed as well).

Saw what’s left of it on the train trip home about 20 minutes ago.

This is little more than disgusting islamist/leftist crushing of dissent and stalinist thuggishness.

Needless to say, the mayor of marrickville is going to be hearing in no uncertain terms from one very angry ratepayer on Monday about the council’s role in this appalling, blatant intimidation.

You stupid hippy pillocks!

Rabz of crushed dissentville (Reply)
Fri 24 Sep 10 (06:04pm)

Friday, July 30, 2010

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Dullard's BER Review...

Never commission a report unless you know in advance what the findings will be...

To paraphrase Sir Humphrey Appleby.

Seems these incompetent, braindead labore idiots can’t even get that right - Henry’s ‘tax review’ being a classic case in point.

“This bunch of greedy corrupt envious braindead socialist scumbags will never abolish the luxury car tax”.

Gee, who’da thunk it…

Friday, April 2, 2010

Beaster greetings, Suckers!

Here’s a little list of the problems we currently face in this country:

• Mass immigration of third woild peons and massive upsurge in racism towards and discrimination against white people
• Invasion of boat people – loss of control of our borders, unrestricted entry of criminal terrorists, welfare dependence of ‘refugees’, family reunion, high rates of peon breeding, actively encouraged not to assimilate
• Cities increasingly unlivable – massive increases in rents and property prices, overseas ownership of residential property, alienating ethnic ghettoes and ugly, shoddily constructed third woild developments and attendant living conditions
• Adherence to braindead green idiotology – no new infrastructure e.g. dams, power stations
• Utterly deliberate economic incompetence at all levels of gumment
• Breakdown of law and order and societal norms - inability and/or refusal of institutions (e.g. the courts) to rectify the damage
• Braindead PC brainwashing of children through the ‘school’ system, high rates of illiteracy and innumeracy, utter ignorance of history, with same situation evident in university system
• Explosion in useless parasitic bureaucracy across all three levels of gumment
• Braindead leftist lamestream meeja and internet censorship to prevent any opposition to evil leftist idiocy
• Increasing statist regulation and control, attempts to stifle free speech – e.g. yuman rites agenda will be imposed, despite massive opposition
• Braindead belief in the preposterous hoax known as catastrophic yuman induced climate change

That’s not an exhaustive list, by the way. These evil bastards are destroying our country. They need to be held accountable for this utterly inexcusable behavior and now.

On what basis do these stupid, evil scumbags presume they have a right to represent us, when all they ever do is act deliberately, maliciously and continually against our interests?

Why do idiots keep voting for them? Make voting non compulsory and do it soon. That way labore will never win another election at any level of gumment.

Otherwise enough – time for some direct action. We need to make these evil destructive parasites fear the consequences of acting against the interests of decent middle class taxpayers, who cop the brunt of this dissolution of our society and who have the most to lose. The middle class still constitutes the bulk of people in this country, although they won’t for much longer, the way things are going.

And yes, I’m absolutely and utterly furious about this deliberate destruction of our society. Woe betide any braindead labore politician stupid enough to cross my path…

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Oh, the appalling 'istorical ignorance...

I never fail to enjoy bashing the absolute stuffing out of ignorant ahistorical idiots. Please read on...

martinX replied to Sammer
Mon 15 Mar 10 (01:53pm)

Sammer said: Would you argue The Holocaust was done in the name of religion?
While not done in the name of religion, religious hatred certainly laid the groundwork for it.

Rabz replied to Sammer
Mon 15 Mar 10 (02:21pm)

For the last time, the nayzees persecuted the Jews on the basis of race, not religion.
muslims, who BTW, are NOT a race, persecute Jews on the same basis.

Abu Chowdah replied to Sammer
Mon 15 Mar 10 (04:25pm)

Sammer, indeed the Nazis did seek to exterminate others. But the reason for exterminating the Jews was because they were Jews. It was a hatred linked into centuries of religious hatred and anyone who thinks the holocaust (meaning the Jewish genocide)was not linked to religious intolerance is an idiot or a liar or BOTH.

Rabz replied to Sammer
Tue 16 Mar 10 (01:48pm)

Mr chowdah - refer to my comment above about why the nayzees persecuted the Jews.
nayzee idiotology - central to which was the ‘Jewish problem’, was entirely RACIALLY based. Religion did not enter into the equation.
‘itler viewed the woild through an obscene raced based prism - the germans, northern europeans, etc, were the master race (aryans) locked in a mortal struggle against the ‘untermensch’ or Jewish ‘subhumans’. All the nayzee persecution of the Jews was framed and based in the terms and language of race - look up the nuremburg laws for example (aka, ‘racial purity’ laws).
I would posit that you are the lying idiot. Go and read up on some history and hopefully you’ll avoid making such a fool of yourself in future.
Not Good Enough.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

The ehrlich!

A couple of those vintage Paul Ehrlich quotes Gutfeld was referring to:

“The battle to feed humanity is over. In the 1970s, the world will undergo famines. Hundreds of millions of people are going to starve to death in spite of any crash programs embarked upon now. Population control is the only answer.”

Paul Ehrlich, Stanford University biologist, ‘The Population Bomb’ (1968)

“Most of the people who are going to die in the greatest cataclysm in the history of man have already been born. ... By [1975] some experts feel that food shortages will have escalated the present level of world hunger and starvation into famines of unbelievable proportions. Other experts, more optimistic, think the ultimate food-population collision will not occur until the decade of the 1980s.”

Paul Ehrlich, essay, ‘Eco-Catastrophe!’ in Ramparts Magazine, Earth Day Special issue, 1970

RNB of Nearly to Alabama (Reply)
Fri 12 Mar 10 (02:18pm)

Rabz replied to RNB
Fri 12 Mar 10 (10:15pm)


Thanks for the truly timeless quotes…

Just celebrate the spectacular wrongness, people, before we all end up having to deal with a super horrendously apocalyptic 1000 million kilometre rising of sea levels that indiscriminately kills blacks, gays, feminayzees, asylum seekers, sri lankans, indians, haitians, venezualans, labore pollies, white seth efricans, parking officers, green pollies, single mothers, aardvarks, right wing journalists and most tragically of all, a rare species of ant…

and then hopefully, finally, those remaining will be able to wean themselves off carbon.*

*Oh and by the way, we are not exaggerating, sheeple!

Friday, March 12, 2010

Let's turf these cretins, please, people!

Please explain why the worst government in living memory, and I include the full retinue of half-witted state and local governments in this list, continue to poll in double figures?

Merely turfing these cretins out of office doesn’t go near enough-charges of malfeasance and civil action to make them personally liable for their incredible stupidity may go close to delivering justice.

It’s fortunate for them that Australians are fairly lazy and laconic- in many parts of the world there’d be heads on sticks by now.

Habib of Wilston (Reply)
Fri 12 Mar 10 (12:42pm)

Rabz replied to Habib
Fri 12 Mar 10 (09:42pm)

Mr Habib,
You didn’t mention by name gough shitlam and his bunch of sozzled, safari suited sleazebags.

Why not?

Is kevni ruff now ‘o’fficially the woist P.M. ever?!?!?

You say what you have to say - even if it's the bleeping obvious...

Why did the ABC give the false impression that Xie was attacking all sceptics, when he plainly did not?

Because they’re a bunch of lazy, lying leftards?!?!
Rabz of Programmatic Specificity Chunderland (Reply)
Fri 12 Mar 10 (08:27am)

Baden replied to Rabz
Fri 12 Mar 10 (09:24am)
Because it didn’t fit the agenda dictated by the Canberra spin doctors?

doug z replied to Rabz
Fri 12 Mar 10 (11:55am)
there’s nothing lazy about this. It was obviously deliberate and malicious.

Rabz replied to Rabz
Fri 12 Mar 10 (08:57pm)
With respect, Doug,

Must disagree - they’re parroting the party line, as usual.

Don’t bother to report (what was actually uttered) - just make the worst of it.

As I said, lazy…

P.S. hence the P.S. (in the address)

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

He was an artist all right - a con artist...

This is just too funny - braindead canuckistan yaartz bureaucrats get taken to the cleaners.

Read the comments - here's an example for no context whatsoever:

My philistine instincts kick in here. Has anything 300 metres long ever been airborne in the history of mankind?

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Clueless as always...

Oh, joy - for bleep's sake leftists are idiots:

somone in the 30’s used similar tactics didn’t they
and became very popular playing to the locals, it’s all they’re fault, there different.

mick maggs (Reply)
Sat 06 Mar 10 (09:48am)
Link replied to mick maggs
Sat 06 Mar 10 (10:27am)
In this case they are different & I believe Geert is asking questions that should of been asked 20 years ago.
If this questions are asked & problems are nipped in the bud then the chance of your 1930’s example happening again are much reduced.
If things are left the way they are with uncontrolled immigration then 20 years from now the natives might not be willing to sit down & discuss.

Rabz replied to mick maggs
Sat 06 Mar 10 (11:10am)
Your ignorance and smugness is astonishing.

Europe’s swapped 20 million jews for 60 million muslims and there’s never been so much obvious, overt anti-semitism there since the nayzees.

Which group of ‘people’ hate jews as much as the nayzees, idiot?

Sunday, February 28, 2010


“Caucus sources were putting it about last week that Mr Garrett - a former rock star who fronted the hugely successful Midnight Oil - had discussed with close friends the option of not standing again.

They said Mr Garrett’s wife Doris, in particular, was pushing for him to get out as she grew increasingly appalled at the humiliating treatment being meted out to him.”

I hated midnight oil with an absolute passion.

Hey, garrett, that’s why so many people are laying the boot in!

The reference I’ve been using as a locality marker is instructive for leftist w**kers.

It’s a reflection of the sort of contempt garrett holds fellow Aussies in.

Don’t forget, don’t forgive.

Good bleeping riddance, when it finally bleeping happens…

Oh and don’t forget about appearing on “So you think you can dance”, you utterly out of your depth hypocrite!

Saturday, February 27, 2010

We all live in a Deniosauralist Chunderland

Read his latest ALPBC rant today…

I notice cloive is now ‘denying’ that he actually advocated suspending democratic processes!

From the article in question:

This is because the implications of 3C, let alone 4C or 5C, are so horrible that we look to any possible scenario to head it off, including the canvassing of “emergency” responses such as the suspension of democratic processes.

You be the judge, deniosaurs!

Rabz of Deniosauralist Chunderland (Reply)

Fri 26 Feb 10 (01:29pm)

Spiny Norman replied to Rabz

Fri 26 Feb 10 (02:36pm)

Deniosauralist Chunderland.


Saturday, February 20, 2010

Too much information...

Hey, I’m not a woman, but rudd strikes me as being about as ‘sexy’ as another famous queenslander, Joh Bjelke Peterson…

Rabz of Redneck Chunderland (Reply)
Fri 19 Feb 10 (01:52pm)

Alan of Sydney replied to Rabz
Fri 19 Feb 10 (02:15pm)

About as sexy as one of Flo’s Pumpkin Scones in fact!

Jackie replied to Rabz
Fri 19 Feb 10 (11:37pm)

From the feminine perspective, you have nailed it Rabz! The two would be about on a par in my book anyway, ie. Nooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, February 19, 2010

Left wong loons on the loose, LOOK OOT!

Well said Andrew. That's the prevailing mentality and that’s what happens when you put others first and don’t give yourself enough respect. We have so many self haters and left wong loons that this is what has become the norm. The foreigners and minority groups are the people these guys look out for. No one looks out for the Aussie. It is largely our own fault. We need to put ourselves first. Oh and I’m an Aussie of mixed Asian and UK stock, so call me what you will left wong haters and loons.

J Winston Howard of Melbourne (Reply)
Fri 19 Feb 10 (09:56am)

Rabz replied to J Winston Howard
Fri 19 Feb 10 (01:37pm)

err, is this person an example of a 'left wong loon'?

Saturday, February 13, 2010

This is not about goils....

Lord Monckton, Andrew Bolt, Alan Jones, Prof. Ian Plimer, Cori Benardi, Barnarby Joyce, Tony Abbott, Nick Minchen & Co. Will go down in history as the types of people who helped save Australia from Economic Armegeddon.

I was lucky enough to see Lord Monckton when he was in Australia and personally Thanked him on Australia’s and the World’s behalf.

The forum was the Perfect Counter Attack on Australia’s own Benedict Arnold the TREASONOUS Kevin Rudd and his ETS TAX SCAM..!

Lord Monckton’s only weapon “THE TRUTH” shot down the Global Warming Scam in flames.

John of Melbourne (Reply)
Fri 12 Feb 10 (06:27pm)

Rabz replied to John
Sat 13 Feb 10 (12:43am)
‘Darth’ Minchin’s Senate Speech on August 11 last year was the ‘tipping point’.

Come on commies, prove me wrong!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

ruff is a labore mediocritah...

Oh, for goodness sake, how much more of this staggering idiocy and incompetence are the electorate going to put up with?!?!

The concept of these utterly useless idiots being given another term in ‘gumment’ makes me seriously wonder if the flaws in our so called ‘democracy’ are beyond repair…

I regard anyone associated with the labore party in any way, shape or form as an irredeemable idiot.

Can we please get these evil, moronic thugs out of our lives and more importantly out of our political system?

Enough is enough…

Rabz of Sydney (Reply)
Sat 06 Feb 10 (11:35am)

Friday, February 5, 2010

Thank you, Suckers!

A couple of novices get a lesson in economics...

Please read on...

Who’da thunk it, osama bin liner rabbiting on about gerbil wormenising…

Knock me down with a feather!

BTW, he’s correct about the West being the cause of increased starvation in the third woild - misallocation of arable land from food crop production to biofuel crops is the reason - so yes, credit where it’s due, you ol’ fundy psychopath.

Rabz of Sydney (Reply)
Sat 30 Jan 10 (11:25am)

aquahominoid replied to Rabz
Sat 30 Jan 10 (06:45pm)

Rabz, not sure if you are making a serious point about fuel production on arable land ; but I am going into lecture mode anyway.

Food production in the western world is actually in a state of over supply, hence the low farm gate price paid to farmers unless guv assisted.

The reason starving third world countries are starving is because their decrepid economies cannot afford western food imports.

The looming problem for food production is not actually land availability but fertilizer [phosphorous, potassium, nitrogen] availability. This is a result of rapidly growing ag. in China and India, and biofuel production.

Large tracts of prime ag. land in S.W.Victoria have been converted to timber plantations in the last decade, as farmers have left food production.

Rabz replied to Rabz
Sun 31 Jan 10 (11:41am)

I disagree.

Both Monckton and Mark Steyn have made the entirely legitimate point that converting arable land from the production of food crops to crops for biofuels is leading to food shortages.

It’s also a misallocation of resources, as there is no shortage of other fuels for motor vehicles.

And I’m beyond being lectured, BTW.

aquahominoid replied to Rabz
Sun 31 Jan 10 (03:46pm)

Starvation in the third world is a political problem, not an agricultural problem.

There will always be supply problems with motor vehicle fuel; unless hydrogen powered internal combustion can be configured. That looks about as promising as fusion energy at the moment.

Remember water is a greater problem than food in many countries [developed and undeveloped].

wreckage replied to Rabz
Sun 31 Jan 10 (10:35pm)

There is no undersupply of food.

There is an oversupply of food.

Trust me, I make my living- theoretically anyway- growing and selling food.

Rabz, neither Mark Steyn nor Monckton understand the growing, sale and distribution of bulk food. I do. It’s what I have done more or less my whole life and what my family have done for three generations.

You can talk about how you’re beyond being lectured all you want, it won’t change the facts. The “food shortage” argument is a very bad argument against biofuels because it is based on a completely false assertion.

First, biofuel crops and food crops are not simply exclusive- agriculture doesn’t work like that. If you grow a canola crop and follow it with a wheat crop you’ll get better wheat yields and need less pesticides. If you grow wheat and ferment it for ethanol you’re still left with most of the protein intact, which goes on to feed stock.

The main competitor in the Western world for human-digestible carbohydrate is..... livestock. Which we then eat.

Rabz replied to Rabz
Mon 01 Feb 10 (01:49pm)

OK - enough.

At no point did I claim there is an undersupply of food, only certain types of food.

Please read this linked article and this linked article - OK they're old, but there was enough evidence at the time that certain food staples widely eaten in the third woild (due to the fact they WERE affordable) were increasing in price - and as such the ‘decrepid economies’ reliant on such staples were not able to purchase as much, leading to food shortages (and attendant riots) in hellholes such as Haiti.

Therefore - decreased supply of certain basic food staples = increased prices of said staples = lower affordability of said staples = starvation of peons in ‘decrepid economies’ in the third woild.

All because sanctimonious inner urban western hypocrites want to put biofuels in their motor vehicles in order to feel good about themselves for no real reason (to paraphrase Steyn). BTW, Paul Sheehan mentions the food crop V biofuel debate in today's silly moaning ‘erald, as well.

This post is becoming too long in the tooth, so I won’t be coming back to it.

I’ll look forward to no doubt encountering both of you in the near future.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Oz Day looms...

Doing the Harbour Bridge climb on the Monday, which I’m quite looking forward to.

Not a lot for the day itself, just a BBQ with some friends, where we’ll contemplate how blessed we are to live in Oz (whilst consuming a few cold ones).

Rabz of Sydney (Reply)
Fri 22 Jan 10 (01:49pm)

Catwoman replied to Rabz
Fri 22 Jan 10 (02:47pm)

what you wrote is exactly what Australia Day means to me. I reckon you’ve summed it up beautifully and simply.

“we’ll contemplate how blessed we are to live in Oz (whilst consuming a few cold ones). “

kae replied to Rabz
Fri 22 Jan 10 (02:56pm)


I am so envious! I want to climb The Bridge, as I am from Sydney.


One day…

Rabz replied to Rabz
Fri 22 Jan 10 (10:29pm)

Thanks Cat,

and Kae, didn’t mean to make you even more envious, but the Bridge climb (for two people) was a freebie from my work, for being a ‘modest employee’.

kae replied to Rabz
Sat 23 Jan 10 (12:43am)

Yeah, sure Rabz.
And I suppose you have someone in mind to take up there, too.


One day!